
What are you talking about??!?!??!?!?!?! That was a very realistic conclusion to the best plot this show has ever presented!!!!!!

With all the crossovers this year, why didn't we see The Flash just come and steal the totem? Considering how long it took for Dorhk to realize that Vixen just crashed through his ceiling, Barry could've stolen it, the kid and raided Dorhk's fridge for goodies to share with the group!

Maybe we could get a American Horror Story and next year they can be doing a different show. "TPS with Rizzo and Pepe" (that's a 30 Rock reference). Then the next season they can be filming a ridiculous sitcom. Then a reality show. Six seasons and a bunch of movies!

You can't tell that bitch shit!

I'm with you all the way… well until the kiss. I really don't want to see Rebecca and Josh live happily ever after because she hasn't earned this in the slightest. All she's really earned is a prison sentence.

Call the waaaahmbulance!

I said all the same exact stuff way back after Michael punched his stupid punchable face. Not only is he connected to Mutter and Rose, but he's related to an alcoholic who is IN LOVE WITH ONE OF THEM, his ex-wife is a KIDNAPPER (amongst other things) and his ex-mother-in-law is a MURDERER AND A STAIR-PUSHER-DOWNER OF

I'd take, at most, no more than 2 superhero films a year. As good as some of them have been, there's just not enough variety amongst them. There are other interesting plots to explore than saving the world a dozen or so times a year.

SOME of them are way better. And some of them are Fantastic 4. And Iron Man 2. And Superman Returns. And Catwoman. And Green Lantern. And Green Hornet. And Hulk (both). And Daredevil. And Elektra. And Wolverine. And X-Men: The Last Stand. And Ghost Rider. And Watchmen. And Jonah Hex. And Spider-Man 3. And Spider-Man

Because they WERE the only films that were released back then!

My list has 17. It seems someone is so nerdy they're only counting Marvel and DC live-action superhero movies and not all the animated or other-studio films that are going to be released.

Uhhhh, no. If we are going to count every single indie film, then that actually may be true. But if we are counting studio films that everybody could actually see in a theater - and why wouldn't we unless we are the type of person who thinks Comic-Con is the height of entertainment - then you aren't even close to

As far as I'm concerned, they're going to need a full episode of Cisco and Wells explaining this entire season on a whiteboard. Because, huh?

I literally know hundreds of gay men. I know no dudebros. Maybe they are all still in the closet???

Not going to happen. Because all 68 characters need to go on and have their own movies!

But Civil War promises to change all that. From this point on, it's basically everyone in everyone else's films. Which is why Joss Whedon had so many problems with the last Avengers film. He had to keep adding unnecessary characters because they would be showing up in each other's films and Ultron was the prologue.

Is it really a joke? Because the last Avengers had a good 50 in there!

Because comic book fanboys are pathetic human beings???

The third one is PISSED that it's caught in the middle of this!

Yeah, but far worse than 1.