
Really? The Dark Knight is TOTALLY Nolan's best film. What's better? Certainly not the other two Batmans he offered up. Certainly not Insomnia, which wasn't even as good as the original it was based on so it loses points. Certainly not Following, which was literally his amateur hour. Certainly not Interstellar, which

Back when 75% of what Hollywood churned out WASN'T a superhero movie? Gawd, those were the golden days.

Federer was so NOT of the 90s. He didn't even win a match in a Major until 2000. He won his first Major in 2003.

I was so petrified that after the increasingly-excellent Tom went off on Mary that Fellowes was finally going to pull the cord on a Mary/Tom relationship. Fortunately that didn't happen, as Downton Abbey would then join the ranks of wretched finales with True Blood, Lost and How I Met Your Mother. Though giving Mary a

That, and she's a nasty, jealous, scheming BITCH!

Because it was 1925 and homosexuality was still illegal. There might've been one or two gay clubs - the first in London opened in 1912 - but they were certainly underground and not known to most gays in London, let alone ones in villages that are nearly 200 miles away!

I see you chose "continue on same boring path." Yawn.

He shoots and misses! Again!

This is a musical comedy, not a Michael Moore documentary. Nobody makes me squirm. Unless squirming is what I'm doing as my hand starts twitching for some sort of weapon to kill these people. We KNOW Valencia has been right all along because previous episodes actually bothered to reference that Rebecca needs to be on

As did her meds being tossed down the drain.

I think the title of this article is a far more appropriate review of this episode than the actual review. Before this week, this show was the first I'd watch on my DVR on Tuesdays. This week I kept putting it off. Then I watched it and had to ruminate why I didn't like it. Then I realized: other than Darryl and Gay

Yes, that's exactly what I did. I simply found it weird that less than a week after a big storm dumped about 20% of LA's seasonal total, we get someone claiming that was unrealistic. It's not really being humorous when we JUST got done seeing images of people with sandbags. I'm not talking about it being callous. It

Sometimes italics aren't enough.

Luke = 75%. Manny = 0%. He dies of auto-erotic asphyxiation in his early 30s.

Were we?

If you want to make the claim Lily EVER held any charm….

More so than Nelson, who's basically played the same character his entire career. He's the reason I didn't watch Parenthood.

I haaaaaaaated Cam for at least the first three years. His name should have been Stereotype. They finally decided to make him more than an amalgamation of gay cliches, but then they keep burying him and Mitchell in the same two or three plots. As stupid as so many of the Phil stories are, they're at least finding new

As was my reply. Sheesh.

Are you under the impression that being flip makes you right? Because, ummm, it doesn't. It just shows you don't have the intellectual ammo to make the point you incorrectly believe is true.