
Which isn't exactly a decade, correct? Which you know since you conveniently didn't mention the year before that, which had 20 inches. Or the year before that, which had 16. Or two years before that, which had 13.

It's a fucking sitcom. In a sitcom people don't act like real people. They do douchey things and they usually get called out for it, like he is ON A REGULAR BASIS. She brought her daughter to work one day and hid her behind the makeup counter OHMYGAWD SOMEBODY GRAB THE STONES THERE ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO DO THEIR JOBS

Technically, you lip-sync to pre-recorded video. The Muppets voices come from down below. If anything, they may need dubbing later, but they are not lip-syncing. Well, they might actually lip-sync if they are all singing a group song, but that's still probably live puppeteer voices with extra voices added in post.

Yet, EXACTLY what they were all doing.

LA gets about 10-15 inches a year. Hence the annual stories about mudslides in Malibu. Which are caused by rain.

Miller was right. Article is wrong. Had Sugartits been in the movie, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it. In fact, during the movie I kept wondering if they had slapped a bunch of makeup on the bigot and made him Immortan Joe. Thankfully Miller didn't think of that either. Seeing Mel Gibson onscreen again would be

ABC has a ton of bubble shows. Chances are they'd keep the one produced in-house over a lot of their other low-rated shows. It all depends on how well the midseason replacements do.

Gawd, if they start lip-syncing, I'm outta here!

Why wouldn't Miss Piggy be at the Zootopia premiere? It's a Disney movie, her show is on a Disney channel. I'm sure all the current Dancing with the Stars would be there as well as the latest Bachelor. Oh, and she's an animal.

We Gen-Xers love our sushi too! (And unlike millenials, we actually have money, so it's actually US keeping all these sushi restaurants in business.)

I'm with you and I don't tire telling people about it. Mainly because I'm not a big fan of Brokeback Mountain. Couple of pussy bitches too afraid to come out of the closet. Grow a pair, bitches!

I think it's genuinely LIKED. It's just not REMARKABLE, as a Best Picture winner should be.

Or plots that basically boil down to a bunch of people almost dying trying to change someone's DREAM!

What a Republican way to deal with a differing opinion!

Coen Brothers' comedies are comedies in the same way that some Shakespeare plays are considered comedies only because everyone isn't lying in a puddle of blood at the end of them. Like Measure for Measure. Fargo is easily funnier than any of their so-called comedies, and I AM including Big Lebowski in that

I kinda want to punch her. I'm almost to the breaking point with her delusions. It's actually kind of scary all the people here that "identify" with her, kinda like all the people that said they were Carries! (SERIOUSLY? UGH!) She's a nutcase and as much as I liked the episode, they really need to go back to making

Textmergency doesn't really work. If you have sent a text to the wrong person, when do you ever have the ability to drive across town and delete it from someone's phone, which for some reason wasn't actually with the person??!! A textmergency is more like a text like, "YOU NEED TO COME HOME NOW! I'M OVULATING!" or

For people who aren't theatre geeks, The Urchins are the three (usually) black women - named Chiffon, Ronette and Crystal (which is why they are usually played by black women) - whose singing moves the plot along. They sing the title song and background for a lot of the other songs, but they only speak to the main

Not that the Emmys matter AT ALL but the rules say an hour-long show can petition to be considered a comedy and they can vote on whether or not to allow it. Last year Glee, Shameless and Jane the Virgin all petitioned successfully to be considered comedies.

Because they've only gotten it wrong once?