
Yes, there are probably lots of us!

That might make sense except for the fact that the Asian guy already has the girl on this show! Well, not THE girl, but he got himself a hottie. Louis Huang got himself quite the hottie also. Raj has one too. There was that dude on Lost, also spent his time on Hottie Island. Dr Ken has got himself one also. And

"Maybe there are people out there who can’t relate. I suspect there are."

I was referring to who she will become as a bitchy old lady, not what her title will be. She's gonna be the old bag in the corner expecting everybody to bow down to her annoying ass.

Gawd, you're even meaner than me! I'll admit I actually jumped up with excitement when Trubel killed her and then yelled at the TV when she showed up again. Everyone on this show has such great presence and chemistry, and she seems to possess neither. Making "Eve" kinda robotic and separate from everyone hasn't made

A-? This episode, like the previous one, was definitely more enjoyable than most, but there are still far too many instances of Fellowes piling it on way too thick. And it's usually with the downstairs people. We get just a few scenes of the delightful open house, yet double that of Grouchy Old Bastard treating his

November minus February equals NINE months, not eleven. Because I'm close enough to becoming a mass-murderer without you adding two months to the total!

Honestly, is this whole season about how they can make Daisy even more annoying? I hate Lord Grantham and Lady Shit-Don't-Stink, but I wish it was Daisy puking up blood!

I knew this wouldn't work. The only reason it worked as a novel - and it was a pretty entertaining novel - is that it was basically Jane Austen with zombies. In fact, it's MOSTLY Jane Austen, with occasional zombies. From the trailers this looks like it's a lot of things, Jane Austen being the least thing.

I don't think you're using "PC" correctly.

Throwing Lord into Alien Prison is the BEST decision she's ever made!!! Unless they continue having scenes with him, then who cares? That whole storyline is a bust. This show needs a Big Bad who is actually scary and not simply annoying. The Blathering Narcissist is more of a Walking Dead villain anyhow.

You're very in your face and childish.

Her major clearly wasn't English!


Not "some" kind. It must be edible!

That whole conversation was the best scene this season. Let's hope that Ravi and Major continue to play along with Liv's future Guest Brains in similar fashion.

I got the joke, but I'm even dumber. Every single episode they would say his name and I'd be seeing Miner in my head. I'd go, "What a dumb name… Oh, that's right. Ha!"

That COULD be true, but the President telling us the world will end in 30 days is definitely going live. And since it's showing worldwide all at once, that means not only that the US didn't inform other heads of state first, but that international television stations somehow knew to broadcast it or the White House

I was kidding. It was written by a British dude so I'm actually surprised it wasn't the Prime Minister of the UK telling the world. That makes even less sense than the President telling everyone, but whatevs. I'm not absolutely sure we'd be told in the first place, but it moves the plot in the direction it needs to

That's really her only saving feature. She has a right to treat Rebecca like shit but she pretty much treats Josh like shit also. Josh is a dimwit but he deserves better than her. Or Rebecca for that matter, but she's at least kind to him.