
Valencia is almost never even in this show. She's a background character that only shows up occasionally to remind us what an awful person she is. This is probably only the third episode where she's been part of the actual plot.

Puhleeeeze! It's we gays who have all the disposable income!

And in Cinderella on Broadway.

It's lazy writing to think that anyone would want tableside guacamole to be a thing. Watching someone stir is not exactly teppanyaki. It's not even the mild excitement of lighting cherries jubilee on fire. And I don't think any chef on the planet would ever be excited about making guacamole for ONE CUSTOMER AT A TIME.

B-??? More like an F. Not an F- only due to the middling-but-better-than-she-usually-gets Claire stuff. The kid stuff was idiotic. The new firm stuff was even more idiotic. Them allegedly missing Dean's annoying ass was the most idiotic part of all! I've given up on this show ever finding some new plot.

I'm sorry but I couldn't get over the White Martian/Green Martian stuff. I'm sure that's from the comic books but that's like some 1950s shit written by some pre-teen writing his first comic book, which he eventually stopped drawing when he discovered masturbation.

I'm almost there. I thought Season 1 was great, Season 2 was a'ihght and Season 3 was awful. But can we just all agree that Elisha Cuthbert was awful in all three of them?

Actually he should've stopped two seasons ago! Maybe three!

Man how soon we forget that the TV antihero doesn't work for musical comedy.

The problem actually lay with the Drewes. Mr Drewe was a moron for not telling his wife where the baby came from. And Mrs Drewe was a jealous bitch. If I was poor and some rich lady wanted to hang around my baby, I think I'd find a way to get over it. And maybe complain about how bad the baby's crib is and how ugly

I have also been on board the Rodriguez meh-train but he really did a great job this episode. It's nice to see him raise his game to the level others are giving.

There's a shocking number of straight guys watching this show!

Because BASIC screenwriting says that the main character must be likable. If Valencia was a nice person, then Rebecca would come off as more of a basket case. Valencia is a bitch, Rebecca is crazy. Bitch < Crazy. So we like Rebecca. This is simple.

I've learned that the more obvious the parody is, the worse the song will be. Summer Knights was cute, but the song itself was pretty dreadful. That West Side Story Jet Song parody was probably the worst of the series. I'll take the rap battle every day over something that is clearly not in Menken's wheelhouse.

HA!! You think there's plotting!!! You're funny!

NOOOOO!! I have my heart set on that grouchy bastard kicking off before season's end! Though his ass has been shockingly head-free this season.

Capitalization requires pinkie usage!!! Or a phone that will capitalize for you. OR CAPS LOCK!!!!

Her stupidity has bothered me in the past but what exactly is the point of upping the stupid in her final season? Fellowes is so madly in love with the upstairs people he has no clue what to do with the downstairs people. He even managed to make the downstairs marriage all about the upstairs people. He must haaaaate

I knew what you were up to. I was trying to be approximately internet appalled.

You are so lame! There were still plenty of funny parts that weren't in the trailer!