
That's actually kinda dumb. You don't grade other things on a sliding scale: "Well, that movie was super crappy, but it's the director's first film so I'm giving it a B+!" "Gawd I love this song, but it's not as good as a song she made 5 years ago so I'm giving it a C-!" An episode of a new sitcom takes just as much

No! On the Scale of Horribleness, they are actually on opposite ends. Lucas can't direct actors for shit and he gives them horrendous things to say, but he can stage an action scene. Kevin Smith gives his actors much better words and he can kinda direct them saying those words, but he can't even stage a scene which

Of course we will! I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Dan Stevens back from the dead, because Julian Fellowes is JUST that lame.

She's staring at middle age! She's practically dead! Her, umm, ward is the future!

And like so much else of the show, it was incredibly lazy. Final season, let's bring Tom back! Meanwhile we get scene after scene after scene of Violet and Isobel fighting. Ugh. I swear Julian Fellowes just has no concept of what works and what doesn't. Last season, those two in cahoots was the ONLY good part of the

Because I couldn't remember any Mooby boardroom scene, I found it on YouTube and watched it. Seriously, it looks like an episode of Seinfeld!

I seem to recall it was Smith's direction more than anything else that was taken to task. Reviews were mostly favorable but I recall even favorable reviews commending the movie on its actors and script yet crapping all over Smith's direction. And they're so right, considering I just realized I remember more about the

For a 70s Music Trivia contest my friend and I did "Too Young For 70s Music". Naturally we won! (Honestly, we got 19 out of 20 and our closest competitor got 14!!!!) So now all my trivia names are about how lame we are or how there are just two of us, just in case we win! Doubles the agony! And if we lose, well our

Very post.

Math is HARD!

Yet this non-story is currently sporting 720 comments, so…

And possibly the total lack of laughs.

Well if the internet said it!

The father is the worst! Like The Colonel said, if this show were sillier, maybe we could laugh at him. But since every episode has some family love lesson in it, it really makes that character seem like an awful human being. Having him around all the time seems very unrealistic as who could live with that their

I was thinking the exact thing!

A million percent! I refuse to see any Marvel movies that are in that stupid timeline. I saw Ant-Man and Guardians. But none of those involving Avengers. (I have Starz so I actually watch those other ones and perform chores during.) No interest in Deadpool because the latest trailer just looks really bad. I think

He needs the exercise!

Actually, I'm tired of the whole "I'm doing it to keep her saaaaaafe!" crap. Personally, I think it would be stupid to tell anyone you are dating who you are unless you are actually in love with her. What happens if you break up? I think the way they do it on Arrow is much better. They've given up on keeping it from

She's a GIRL so she NEEDS to be all emotional and stuff! Though, seriously they have emotional moments on Flash ALL THE TIME! They've got Barry debating telling his gf that he's The Flash and constantly having to save her, Joe and Iris dealing with their new family member, Jay dealing with his mortality and

What a generous grade! I didn't laugh once, not even in the usually reliable cold open. Can we have a single plot involving somebody other than the main two characters? Their comedy beats have become so predictable. And why did they even bother giving Stewart a family if they weren't ever going to do anything with