
They're watching it tomorrow! The whole comedy block was sub-par tonight (okay, New Girl got a good rating but who watches THAT?) so they probably went to bed early all depressed.

I don't think we need a webisode for Rosa buying a puppy.

She's still a better kid than Bart. She annoys, but she's not dangerously malicious.

All the songs in the first episode were horrible. There was a witty line or two - I especially liked the one where she swaps spit with boys and girls - but melodically they were just atrocious. There wasn't a great song in the second episode - Sid's song was practically stolen from the South Park movie - but they were

It SPECIFICALLY says "Last night's Final Jeopardy! was a disaster for all concerned". Final Jeopardy! being the FINAL question of the game. Everybody was wrong in FINAL Jeopardy. Hence, FINAL Jeopardy was a disaster. Article was correct; your response was a DISASTER. Hee.

Yeah, he's beloved so what this proves - if anything - is that many Indian kids will go into comedy because of a dark childhood of being hounded by the absolutely lamest "insult" ever. I WISH I had been called Apu! That would've been a DREAM childhood!

The only person claiming that bit of ridiculousness is you. Learn to read. You suck.

Yeah, except for that ending, this episode was dreadful. The ducks have the same personalities as the kids? Whoever came up with that bit of lazy stupidity should've been immediately fired. I at least laughed last episode. Not a single one this episode. Come on, the "Stray Observations", usually filled with funny

I kept going back and forth on whether the timeline was really supposed to move us into the future or if it was just a cleverish way to hide the fact that this was supposed to be a Xmas episode. It works both ways and neither way, actually. Forwarding helps get beyond the endless moping over the breakup and does make

After the gemstones with cell service, you find different enchanted jewelry surprising?

EVERY comedy actor ends up on EVERY comedy show over here. And they all go and make comedy movies together.

I don't find any of this to be realistic. There are hundreds of novels published every year with detective teams. If Daddy's book was written under a pseudonym and was about a Norwegian detective solving crimes in Chicago with an Ethiopian sidekick who lives with him, and they are HAVING SEX and KUNG FUING people

The end of that nonsense should've been a joyous celebration in homes across the nation! Instead we got to be annoyed TWO MORE TIMES!

Once again, way too much Mary, way too little Edith. And then we get a stupid blackmail plot that gets handled oh-so-easily and oh-so-boringly? Mary really NEEDS a comeuppance, and if they don't give her one this season, I'll burn down that mansion instead!

First, ugh on liking Dre's parents. Because seriously, they are awful and horribly unfunny. Every episode I see his mother I pray this is the episode where she chokes and dies on something Rainbow cooks. Because SHE'S NOT FUNNY; SHE'S JUST A BITCH!

The dumbest part about this all is that if he truly wanted to hide the novel from his daughter, he would have changed the ethnicities and nationalities of the lead characters and NOBODY would've ever figured it out. Or cared. But then he allegedly "wanted it to bring them closer together." If that's true, then why the

That is it EXACTLY! ONLY reason I'm still watching.

We all know a lot of people who have seen Avatar but how many of us know anybody who LOVES it? The usual response is "It was all right." People were into Pandora, not what happened in Pandora. Even if Avatar II had come out the following year, people still wouldn't have flocked to it. Everyone had already been there.

Ehhh. It's a'ight. "Look how annoying Rob Lowe is!" is a plot that's been the plot EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.

With that bitch, it's always stride mother. She's stupid that way.