
Yes, it's the title of the article. Or the headline. Each recap has a headline that has something to do with the article.

Yeah, I wasn't getting black at all.

Oh, gawd no! His relationship with Lucy was awful. They should've just had them hollering "Cliche cliche cliche!" at each other!

Yes, because government is infallible!

As opposed to rightist liberals? Or leftist conservatives?

If your main problem is the flashbacks, they're a nuisance pretty much the entire show. They rarely add anything to what's happening in the present world.

Just to harp on Berlanti again, but his other shows are usually quite good at casting people who are either really good at doing the same kind of character - Neal McDonough, John Barrowman, Victor Garber - or he brings on people you wouldn't expect to be that kind of character - Wentworth Miller, Mark Hamill, Tom

Grasping a concept and being good at it are not necessarily the same thing!

The popular vote would mean something if the politicians were actually going for it. They are playing the electoral game. So maybe someone ignores California because they know they'll win by a few million there without spending a cent. And millions of Californians know it too, so they stay away from the polls. And a

Satire is as foreign to you as North Korea, no?

I literally said "UGH!" when that General showed up again. A big part of the problem is casting a guy who is ALWAYS that guy. How about someone with a little shading? On the other side of the fence we have Astra, who is played by a woman who can shade the character a little, but there is nothing on the page for her to

Since he obviously would've died in this season, I hope they can find him a role in Season 2 where he gets to be in several episodes. I always felt bad for how much Joxer was hated in Xena - I initially hated him too! - but he did such a great job over the years turning that moron into an integral part of the show.

The Kazurinsky joke was a reference to his Weekend Update character who punned a bunch of medical jargon, like an amputation bit led to "toejamputation", "tramputaton", "diaphragmputation" and "lionelhamputation".

Exactly wrong. Since Gervais has written an episode and starred in two, I'm sure he's not someone they were looking to get. And it's not like he's so monumentally busy that he couldn't stop in for an hour or two if asked. Conrad wasn't even anything like the usual snarky, self-involved Gervais character. It was

Wow, Florence, you look JUST LIKE Lora! But WTF, pray tell, is a stride mother? And, as stupid as people are on the internet, you two are the only imbeciles I've seen who put the dollar sign AFTER the numbers. Is that how money works when you are a cam-sex-worker?

Why exactly are you not only watching a comedic show, but then going onto a blog that then chats about said comedic show? Do you think understanding comedy will somehow help when your "people" come to this planet and enslave us? I'd say work on your writing skills first, then try tackling a little comedy, Mr Trump.

I don't care about how routine the plot may get if we can get songs like the opener. I laughed more throughout that song than during most alleged sitcoms. And if routine plots mean more of Chef, Gwynne and Jester, then bring on the routine plots!

The things they could do! They could bring Renee O'Connor on for some awesome Xena on Gabrielle fighting! (Honestly, though, I am a little shocked Ted Raimi didn't show up, at least in the store or the diner to be killed by the end of the episode.)

They renewed it before the first episode even premiered.

I think there were several reasons Princess failed, one of which is certainly that it had black people. Because people do suck. But the #1 problem is definitely that it had Princess right there in the title. My nephews wouldn't have stepped foot anywhere near Frozen had it been called The Snow Queen. Or had the