
The main reason science fiction and the like haven't been that popular with the ladies is because 99% of the characters tend to be male. Star Trek has one woman. Star Wars has one woman. Lord of the Rings has, I think, just one woman. The Hobbit - book - has ZERO. All the sciencey-nerdy crap was never much of a draw

Yes, Hollywood is horribly gender-imbalanced, but to pick two animated movies to make your point is pretty sad. The audiences for these movies aren't parents, but the boys and girls of those parents. And, unfortunately, most boys are not evolved enough to want to see a movie if it looks like it's a girl movie. Disney

Welcome to the Internet.

Controversy = Eyeballs. If some other easily-offended website posts this, and another reposts it, and so on, and so on, then all of a sudden a bunch of people are checking out the site and most go "Really? That's what this was all about?" But, hey, they got the eyeballs!

Well, Regina Garcia and Thelma Wilson have the same picture so it shouldn't be that difficult to kick these dbags!

Your neighbor's aunty is a bitch!

OMG, my thoughts exactly!

When does THAT happen? They did a horrible job with all the Alexandrians, except MAYBE for Tovah Feldshuh. They still haven't gotten me invested in Rick for that matter! That show is the WORST for character development.

Okay, I wondered this from Episode 1 and I especially wonder this from the pics above, but was Campbell playing up the belly in the early episodes or has he actually lost weight? He looks thin in every pic up there! I know he got in great shape for his Sam Axe movie four years ago and I immediately wondered if he kept

Yeah, I'm behind. But can I just say how happy I am that Fisher is finally onboard. She was coming off like one of the agents on "The Following" in her constant belief that Ash did all that. You saw the demon chick. You saw what your partner turned into. You saw two demons in the bookstore. B, you stupid for

I'd like to agree with everything in this article, but there's a sentence commending January Jones and I cannot get behind that! While her sadness was okay, her scenes with Todd were atrocious. If the show replaced her with Kiernan Shipka, would anyone complain?

Exactly! It was painfully obvious she was trying to get into Weirdo Jail for some reason. I kept waiting for the reason. And waiting. And then when they finally figured it out, we still didn't get a real reason. At least when someone gets captured on purpose on The Flash, they actually accomplish something in Weirdo

It's a little easier to forgive someone when their loved one is kinda, you know, BEING THREATENED BY A MURDEROUS INTERNATIONAL CRIME ORGANIZATION.

He would certainly bring some needed lift to Arrow.

It's a true testament to the writers and actors on this show that Jane has broken up or made up with one of these guys almost every episode and it has never felt like "Oh THIS again?!" That said, she needs to start boning CSI:Miami pronto and break up and make up with him a few times just to get away from those other

Any Best Of list with Looking on it, is a list I immediately stop reading. No show with 1 1/2 good episodes a season can be considered a success, let alone a "best" of anything.

Maybe you should've kept it back at C+ because you totally forgot how monumentally stupid and obvious it was for Aunt Boringlady to lose that final fight with Supergirl on purpose. Greg Berlanti needs to demand this hoary plot device never be used again for any of his superhero shows. Honestly.

Isn't it kind of stupid for a show that has never bowed down to political correctness to find a way to whine about political correctness? And that's the entire problem here. When something is politically incorrect and actually funny, complaints tend to be few and far between. The ones who tend to whine about political

I wondered if the whole narration was an excuse to show the UFO. "The UFO wasn't real, guys! It was just part of the story of the massacre!" But, regardless, it muddled things up. If someone is narrating, that someone knows everything that happened. But how could any book know what went on in those rooms or between

NOOOOOOOOO! Stop bringing up horrible things like they are good!