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    Hmm, equating outright rape with a lying/cheating spouse.
    I'm sure Whedons wife feels a tremendous amount of betrayal and anger…still probably not the same a roofied rape victim feels.
    And yes, that disinction DOES make a difference when we're talking about if an artist's personal life affects how it's viewed.

    Magic is the thinking-man's pro wrestling: We all know it's fake, we know the general gist of how it's done, but there's still an amazing amount of skill required. And when performed by someone with a tremendous amount of talent and skill, it doesn't get old and is highly entertaining.

    Yes, Pit Fighter, the original digitized actors fighting game, with 3 characters to choose from.

    I don't know why SM doesn't get more love, it's great. Also that you can unlock Sub Zero and Scorpion and do a 2nd play thru with them was fantastic

    I feel like the lazy idea of those fast travel spheres in Annihilation should have been mentioned.

    To this day I still don't know how to play Dragons Lair and nor do I give a crap. I'm sure an adult me could understand now, but the child me probably would have been better off just eating the quarters and pooping them out later.

    There is a dividing line between 'people in the know' vs 'people that don't know'. And much of the latter, even when presented with the truth, will come up odd logic disbeliefs. But my point is: just because 'we know', does not equate to 'common knowledge'. We have a multitude of logical arguments, like the main

    Article should have mentioned that time Miller wrote a Batman one shot that was anti terrorist but ended up being anti Islam and so racist that DC refused to publish it. Miller went back and change it to not be Batman and had it published.
    When re-reading TDKR as an adult, it occurred to me how far right political it

    Basically what we have since the late 90s are high budget studio backed Roger Cormans and Llyod Kaufmans. I wouldnt think they were lazy or stupid, just a niche product of so bad it's good films…and sometimes just bad. Everything has a place in this world, even Uwe Bowl.

    Arguing 3D film effect is the same as human vision is about the dumbest fucking argument I ever hear from 3D enthusiasts. My vision also allows me to focus in objects I want to focus on and in 'real' time' distances and depths. Film is film, which means in 3D or 2D, you're getting a forced perspective at impossible

    Coincidentally I just watched 2 films he was in this past week. Crazy. He's a good actor and like everyone else says, was one of the better reasons to watch True Blood.

    As a child in the 80s, I kept being told I looked like Shortround/Data from Temple of Doom/Goonies.
    But not because I actually did, because kids were racist as shit back then.

    Reminds me of that episode of it's always Sunny… Dee and Macs avatars

    It was more of a dramedy. And in most comedies about unlikable characters, the comedy comes at the characters expense or creates a mutually awkward situation, or sometimes the character is just misunderstood (Like Girls, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Eastbound and Down or It's Alwasy Sunny). This show was about a narcissist

    The narrative here is that this is a follow-up to Hastings saying Neflix doesn't cancel enough of their original series, and here's one they cancelled that was well deserved. No one is pining over girlboss.

    It's wasn't just that the character was an asshole… There's plenty of stories where you can root for the asshole. It was that it's a rag to riches story where the character was in rags almost by choice, then found riches with almost little effort. Shitting on people with zero reflection, question or remorse, nearly

    It's ok to not be interested, but your age got nothing to do with it. In a wasteland of still cartoony CGI, it's an all real car stunts chase film. You must not be that old if you don't miss great car chase movies of decades' past.

    It is ok… That you hold that opinion with valid reasons excludes you from the 'haters'. If I said I don't like peanut butter because I don't like the taste, that's ok. If I said I don't like peanut butter because peanuts should not be allowed to be crushed into a paste, you'd think I was an idiot.

    Save the girl from an evil Chinese wizard who believes she is the reincarnation of his long departed love which in turn allows him to continue his life of immortality.

    Not enough CGI and explosions and no twist, huh?