
Chiming in to agree that "Farewell Mr. Bunting" was the funniest SNL sketch in YEARS. Honestly, after this thoroughly mediocre season (IMO) I didn't think the writers had it in them to do something so spot-on and hilarious. The Regine sketch had me in stitches as well, so that's already far ahead of the average for

Serena was THE WORST ADA EVER (especially compared to kickass Abbie Carmichael, who I love). They've been rerunning The Mothership in order from episode 1 on WE-TV, and they're almost at the point where she signs on (in 2001). I've been appreciating the brilliance of early L&O all over again (especially its complex

YAAAAS. Also, Iris on The Flash (mostly Season 1, she's better now) and Barbara Kean on Gotham (ditto). Together with Laurel, they were the Trifecta of Annoyance on DC TV shows.

I have a history of disliking kids on adult dramas (Sydney on Parenthood, DIAF please), but Sally Draper was a multifaceted, constantly evolving character, and Kiernan Shipka portrayed her brilliantly. That moment when she walked in on Don fucking the neighbor was one of the most traumatic scenes I've ever watched on

Thirded. Can't stand Gene. Don't think I've ever even smiled at one of his lines. I think we're meant to think he's pure, creative, unleashed id, but in reality he just seems like a complete (-ly unfunny) idiot.

Geez, defensive much? Sorry to get your panties in a twist, but when did I say that "all" people pirated? Yes, iTunes was a success for many years, although not as much now (thanks to streaming, obviously, thus Apple Music). But saying that some people switched from CD's to iTunes doesn't mean that record sales are

God, I loved "Life"…Damien Lewis, Sarah Shahi, Donal Logue and Adam Arkin were great and it was quirky, funny *and* action-packed (a hard balance). So of course the ratings were terrible…sigh.

Don't most people subscribe to podcasts, though? I admit to some ignorance here since I listen to podcasts on my iPod more than music and have subscribed to tons of them for years.

"people will pay if you make it easy to do…"

So…artists should no longer be allowed to make a living wage from their creative product, but should be away from their families constantly instead? Touring is great when you're young and single, but I imagine it's not easy when you have kids that need a stable home life and actually *want* to see their parents

100% agree (both about The Muppets and Parks & Rec). The first couple of shows were shaky, but then they found their footing, and the second half of the Fall season was great, IMO. Particularly loved the Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Elizabeth Banks episodes.

Don't know about the others, but the SVU fandom online (at least on Twitter/Tumblr) is pretty young. Mariska is revered for her work with rape victims IRL (as well she should be). Part of that popularity could be that Taylor Swift is an openly enthusiastic fan, put Mariska in her BB video, and named her cat after her.

"the majority of cartoons for adults are pretty much just sitcoms with occasional surreal flourishes…"

Please mention Cartoon Network while you're snarking. There is literally NO POINT in setting a DVR for anything on CN since they arbitrarily change the listings daily.

I have to stick up for Fish Hooks, which I really enjoyed. It had a snappy, slightly subversive sense of humor, good characters and real heart. Plus it had Shellsea, the sassy "Gurl!" fish and Bea's best friend who was the Lumpy Space Princess of FH and made me LOL every time she appeared.

The problem with creating a category like "adult TV animation" is that it ignores all the recent shows ostensibly aimed at kids that adults adore, like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe (aka the gayest "kids" show ever). Honestly, you could put GF after The Simpsons and it would fit right in, IMO.

I sort of agree, but the F/X on The Flash have, IMO, been surprisingly good, and Supernatural and Grimm have very good F/X on a presumably shoestring budget. So TNT might have been able to do the concept justice if they had committed a decent budget to the project.

Have to agree that the lead cop on Chicago PD (Hank Voight) was so reprehensible when he was introduced on Chicago Fire that I had a hard time with the spinoff show at first. But the characters on CPD (especially Amy Morton as take-no-shit Sgt. Platt and Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay) were so engaging that I got over

All misdirection. Everything we saw in the past scenes happened in the past — Ethan was abducted, Pope abducted Theresa and Ben, Pilcher met Adam Hassler, etc. At some point everyone was frozen, and then they were awakened at different points in the future.

I actually think that the writers gave Juliette a decent amount of time both to turn Dark and express her motivations. She flat out said that what made her most angry was that Nick had a choice between a normal, powerless life with her and his Grimm life, and he chose the Wesen. Given how much she has suffered over