
"Frozen Whore" here: Disqus is screwing up today…"Trent" is my main handle (outside of AVC, where I started commenting years ago) and it's switching back and forth without warning. ) :

The problem is that we don't have the data to argue this through. The writers dropped a big bombshell — Wesen commit most of the world's crimes — without telling us what percentage of the world's citizens they are. That one murderous Hundjäger, with its innate ability to track prey, could have killed 20 times, while

I see your point, but imagine if you lost your sight at 30, after an accident, and were complaining about your new disability at length to someone who had been blind since birth. They might empathize, but still think "I've been this way forever, and I never had a choice, so deal."

Heh…I suspect you're not a reality show viewer. IMO Siberia was a spot-on skewering of every reality show archetype from The Real World through Big Brother. It was *meant* to be a comedy until suddenly…it wasn't, and got all creepy and dark. What can I say—I liked it…

Right? Justin Theroux in his sweatpants last ep put the Hammaconda to shame.

Agreed, although I appreciate the continuity in making her almost penniless at this point. After all, she hasn't worked as a lawyer since she resigned from her firm back in season 1.

Todd, absolutely loved your review this week — so insightful — but can we please table all this "Zeek's gonna die" stuff? I already hit my "Parenthood full-on sobbing" quota during that Max/Kristina/Adam scene in the car two eps ago, and I'm not sure I can handle a Zeek funeral scene…

@Jagre and @Polly, can I just say thanks for those awesome analyses of Camille? Because I can frankly see both your points and they made me realize that Camille is a far more complex character than I usually give her credit for being (and a LOT more passive-aggressive).

Interesting, since Richie is the one I identify with, with Doris a close second.

Yes! ELR was such a hammy show that I had no idea that Ray Romano was capable of such nuanced, emotionally real work. He's seriously at Emmy-level acting here (not that the Emmys would ever acknowledge that Parenthood even exists).

Oh—sorry for misunderstanding you, Kumagoro. I'm just so used to everybody hating on Juliette, when I think that TPTB really fixed her character this year. As you said, I love her sincere enthusiasm about all things Wesen, and while she was a bit clumsy with outing Alicia I think her awkwardness came from a place of

Actually, when Nick told Juliette that Alicia was Wesen, she said "is she dangerous?" So clearly she acknowledged that some Wesen friends might have a dangerous side.

IMO, the difference is that Supernatural and Buffy were on the WB/UPN/the CW, all niche networks that had smaller audience goals (and could support genre shows). NBC is still trying to crawl back from niche-dom and probably feels that playing up the Mythology of Grimm would depress its ratings. So they have to

Why does Fallon always get slammed for cracking up during sketches when Every Other Member of SNL's cast frequently does the same thing? Bill Hader couldn't get through a single Stefon skit without cracking up, yet never got criticized for it. SNL is not Macbeth, it's a fucking sketch show. Who cares if they laugh