
It's Leondardo Di Caprio in the "The Man in the Iron Mask"

I know a pastor that is going to get killed next season… ! And I think that will eat away at Paige, especially because she feels closest to him right now and knowing that he got killed because of her will only lead to something major happening. Either Paige turning her back on her parents completely for example going

Agree with you, Mary is detestable these days.

That is so true! haha

I don't mind Narcisse at all either, I just don't want repeat storylines of him blackmailing Francis somehow - or if we got to that then I hope Francis or whoever disovers it before and stops him before more damage is done. Otherwise I would feel like we are repeating the first half of season 2.

I think everybody wishes Conde would go away now… Enough of him, but sadly I think he will stick for a while longer.

On a lighter note, am kind of digging the 'pimp' storyline for Greer! Where is Leith by the way? Isn't he supposed to be the head of Francis' guard and therefore always around?

I was actually sad they killed the Duke of Guise - would have liked him to stick around longer - I could have been happy with some kind of arc with Catherine whether romantic or not

Ok well if you want to react like that it is your choice. My intention was never to hurt anyone, I am just commenting on a show that I like - to each their own opinion on things.

I never used the word never, I just said that after a couple of months (which I assume we are at a couple of months now)

Exactly. Thank you

Well honestly I hope you don't have any because it is not something to laugh about or joke so if that's all you have to say about it then good job to you.

It just doesn't make sense - when you are raped you don't want anyone to touch you and you don't think about falling in love with someone

If Mary was rejecting Francis AND Conde - I would understand. Because then it would mean that it is linked to the fact that she was raped. that is ok I can get behind that

Well now that Greer is in shit, it would be good for him to show up!

For the Greer part, I actually also found that funny as in season 1 I remember her saying that she made up in money what she lacked in station. But I guess what they meant is that she grew up with the education of a noble woman.

After this episode, I can clearly say the writers do not care about Mary and Francis anymore. Frary who? It is one thing to put obstacles between them and it is another to basically tell us that Mary now loves Conde more than Francis - hmmmm what??? I literally wanted to shake Mary during that last scene where Francis

Same, but I never understood the people who keep on complaining about the show being historically inaccurate. Honestly, why are you still watching it then? lol coz things ain't changing, it's a CW show not the history channel

Another show/film about Elisabeth? i think we have enough of those, I think it's nice to explore other historically famous women, the show is named Reign not Mary Queen of Scots so it isn't farfetch to have major storylines on the King of France. At least it is my take on things :)

I feel like a broken record but I want my frary back seriously lol but am that Mary let Francis stay in her room, the whole ordeal is progressing a little bit at least.