
He told her to wait. That's the wrong thing he did. If he hadn't said that, would she have closed the French doors in the Pain ward? Or would she have tried to make a break for it and gotten up into another level of the ship? I think he did wrong (accidentally) when he planted the idea in her to wait for him.

Connie. It was Connie.

I love these two. I listen to them while I cook dinner most evenings, and particularly when I drive to visit my folks, and they make those visits a little easier to take. Their silliness is great and takes some of the sting out of the awful stuff they have to talk about, and their guests are always fascinating.

I'm hella gay and I *did* notice.

I WAS NOTICING THE EXACT SAME THING! Dem guns, man. Dat trim waist.

I think Garnet didn't ask because if she did, she'd know the answer, and that would ruin the surprise, plain and simple. I think by purposely not asking she didn't open the door to future vision.

Right? I mean… so did I. But he gave everyone crotch headaches, didn't he?

I feel like that was on purpose, with the similarities to Happy Tree Friends in line art and bloody spines. Also, Princess Kimmy dancing was lifted straight from Maid Marian in Disney's Robin Hood, which itself was lifted wholesale from Snow White - you don't do that unless you mean it.
So I think everything about

It makes me feel so old to see this is what I immediately thought of when the words wafted in the air, and then find no mention of it in the comments.

Actually, in Slovenian, Zee-leena, Zah-leena & Zeh-layna are all appropriate pronunciations for the word 'Zelena.' Such consistent, very vowels.

It's Zelena, not Zalena. Zelena means "green" in Slovenian. Maybe some other Slavic languages too, but I can only speak for Slovenian. It's not subtle.

My bet is it's actually just so they have the rights to use Taran and Eilonwy as one-episode characters on Once Upon a Time. For Sweeps Week.

Yep. me also with the nononononononononing.

"As I was watching this with my family, my son wanted to know: “Why is Robin always almost dying?”

LOL! Not necessarily! But I do like when we combine our energies to accomplish things (and save the world). But I see where you're coming from!

Since Stevonnie's first appearance, I had idly thought it was just Connie Steven could fuse with. But something bout his line reading when he told Greg, "The Gems think it's because I'm half-human," made me suddenly wonder if his gem side brings fusion into the world of humans (not just human=Connie). Steven's

Also, I think she said because she knew it would rile up Jasper, I don't think she meant it about everyone who's single. You use what you've got in a fight, and if taunting with something designed to annoy helps break the opponent's focus, so much the better. I always took it as the line applying to that very

The linework in this episode was different - beautiful, but just slightly different. The flowing, arched lines of varying thicknesses when Pearl says, You shouldn't be anywhere near the fight - you're too IMPORTANT!" was gorgeous. If little things like that keep popping up going forward, I won't be bugged.

Oh, I watched every episode of Dinosaucers. If there was ever an 80's cartoon that should be remade…

PBS used to have all sorts of amazing things, and one that we'd recorded was a Wonderworks production of Konrad, where Polly Holliday accidentally gets a freeze dried child in a can and her and Ned Beatty try to raise him to be normal when he was "programmed" to be perfect, and the dad from Alf was the bad guy. Zero