
In about 1993 when I was in the full blush of puberty but still had no idea what "gay" meant or how one could be it, my family rented "Late For Dinner" and my teen crush on Brian Wimmer exploded. Somehow I managed to wrangle it so that we'd rent it about every other week, and the family liked it the first 3 or 4

Gloria's idea of a Texas accent is all I never knew I ever needed in this life.

I don't think it's so much struggled to maintain, so much as had other goals to accomplish.

The way the last scene could have been improved is if Alex just LAUGHED at the picture. HAHAHAHAawwww. That'd put him in his place.

"Britta has a FLIP PHONE" and moves her finger across it like it's a smart phone.

Perfect! I *sneezecoughalreadysawthisseriesachoo*, but then found a dearth of people talking about it. I'm glad it's getting properly reviewed here.

I agree. I want to see Jonah hit something he can't worm out of, and Patton's Teddy finally seems like someone invested in blocking him. That was my favorite scene, though the whole thing left me breathless.

I was surprised to find that I didn't hate it.

I'm starting to wonder if Greg is as much a "kind of a mess" as we were told at the beginning of the season. It was stated by Amethyst then, and now we see that maybe she's not so reliable as a "narrator" if she's colored by jealousy of one type or another. In most other episodes Greg is really trying. We may have

Yep, this. I know.

Yes! I also thought it was Tim Daly for many seconds longer than I should have, before he finally slid and clicked into the "Malvo" slot in my brain.

That is a spin-off I would watch the hell out of.

I miss you reviewing it! You always unfolded more for me to think about with each episode, in the few that got published. So far I haven't found any other site that consistently does that, even a little bit. Here's another vote for more Steven Universe recaps!

I don't think Eden Sher even needs to submit that speech - just the second and a half of time her eyes registered what was causing her folks to work, and her shifting gears to comfort and reassure them. I felt like I saw Oxford die behind those eyes just so her parents could live.

Actually, for me, I like the scenes with the ancillary folks. Sookie is just a big whatever to me now, but I'm in it for Laffy, and Pam, and Jessica, and I'm willing to make room for Willa, as long as Sookie is still being her big old boring danger-whore self.

No, no, I *like* the effort you put into these reviews. I was just remembering it was your "The Middle" reviews that brought me to this site in the first place. You keep doin' whatchoo doin'.

"There needs to be a season four if only because we haven’t wrung nearly enough comedy out of the LaFreaks."
I aGREE! The LaFreaks are AWESOME!

I rewatched this one a week or so ago, and just loved it even more the second time around. Garnet consistently takes Steven seriously even in his play, and it's one of the things I admire about her. She's also, unexpectedly, the one most physical with Steven. If she is the father figure, she's a loving one.
I really


Allie Grant is a genius magician, and can't take my eyes off her.