Billy Everyteen

Doing the character-in-certain-peril moment twice was overkill. First "Oh no, my cockpit glass won't break now I'm going to drown", then "Oh no, my landing wheels won't deploy and I'm going to crash". Once was enough.

Thank god for NJPW.

I wonder what twisty timeline bollicks they're going to squeeze in this go around.

"All that said, I'll still going opening night"

You do if you want to fool people into thinking this film will be substantially different from the previous franchise efforts.

*pushes up glasses* All those attachments and clasps and what-have-you would stress and snap at such constant high speeds. That's why a skin-tight super-lycra would be preferable, and as I recall that's exactly what he wears in the comics, stored inside a magic ring (of course).

What about the warehouse scene in Batman Begins? That whole sequence is fantastic - only let down I think by the "nice coat" cheesy line.

Why not? It could hardly get any worse than it is.

Not true - there were lots of shots of feet in this trailer. In fact, noticeably so.

No, that's just a green light on the undercarriage of whatever plane that is - Batwing I'd assume.

It looks terrible, and it was done to death well before 300 had even ended.

Immature masturbators?

That underwear shot was pretty noticeable.

I watched it twice and didn't see anything. Please don't make me watch it a third time.

The Flash's costume is stooo-pid. How does wearing a suit of armour help with his aerodynamics?

Or, the creators have the attention span of gnats and can only focus on the latest thing they think might make the film popular?

Gimme my Hourman movie!

Apart from the godawful CGI and the terrible overuse of slo-mo, main takeaway is that enormous codpiece Batman is sporting. He's the Joey Ryan of superheroes.

Same! I'd read every issue up to 100 and then dropped it like a stone after that awfulness. Never even bothered with the TV show.