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    Playing House is currently filming season 3 and will be back in Spring 2017! :)

    It totally pains me how they don't see how freaking COOL Sam is! (the Little one excluded)

    I like her too. Wondering if we are going to get an episode about her gender dynamic…I feel like there is a story there but I also love that it hasn't been a big deal at all so I am conflicted on whether I want them to acknowledge it.

    Zach Woods has been in a lot recently. He's currently a lead on TWO shows - Playing House and, more notably, Silicon Valley. Not to mention his recent recurring roles on The Good Wife, Veep and The League and his appearance in the Ghostbusters movie this summer. Danny Pudi, I agree needs to be in more but Zach is

    Cleo was played by Judd Apatow's daughter. More nepotism on this show!

    Confused by your question? Frank IS Lila's killer. And Sam ordered the "hit" so they both had a hand it in as murderer and accomplice.

    Still convinced Annalise and Wes have some sort of previous history - like she's secretly his aunt, maybe? Or she helped raise him for a while after his mom's death? They have such weird chemistry…and I thought I she called him "son" while she was comforting him on the stairs? What that just me hearing that?

    The line by Lydia was actually: "We are just lubing up for a NOONER", which makes it even funnier. Lots of great one-liners all around in this ep!

    Maria Bamford absolutely killed it this episode! Great delivery on every one of her lines; laughed out loud almost every time she spoke.

    I also totally thought the Grandma was going to say she knew a lot about court due to watching The Good Wife but, let's be honest, there is NO WAY that ABC is going to give some free publicity to a rival network.

    And Adam again this week - 2 weeks in a row without him which is unprecendent as he is basically the lead of the entire show. Also no Joel or Julia. The only adult Bravermans to appear were Crosby and Camille (very briefly).

    This Ruby/Hank/his ex thing HAS TO STOP. It's beyond ridiculous that with just a few episodes left we are dealing with ANY scenes with Ruby and the ex. I know they are trying to save money by having the main cast sit out a few episodes but it's downright insulting to the loyal fans. Worst episode of the season, if

    Wow, those inter-cuts during the Wes/Rebecca hookup - the utter complete opposite of sexy, unless you are a depraved psycho. It's the writers wanting us to hate them even more as a couple, right?

    Is the the first episode ever that Adam hasn't appeared at all? I like Adam but I have to say, it was nice to not have him in this episode. His "always the good guy" shtick can be grating at times. A much needed break from both he AND Kristina.

    I wonder if Peter Krouse will sit out at all. Adam is the lead on the show and I don't think he's ever sat out an episode before? Anyone know?

    HA! The cashew butter made me laugh out loud! On point - that is SO Drew.

    I think I read somewhere that Mae Whitman and Miles Hizer are best friends in real life and even live together as roommates in LA. Their scenes together really show it - they have great screen chemistry (of the non-romantic kind). Loving all the Amber/Drew scenes this season - best brother/sister pairing on TV (and

    Nora was there - the most she has ever been! She even had two lines - repeating Max's "algebra sucks!" line and muttering "yeah, what are you doing…" to Max about the scissors.

    My god. If that shower scene doesn't win her the Emmy I am not sure what will? A master class in acting.

    Thank you! Glad I am not the only one who has noticed the palpable romantic chemistry between Amber and Drew. It's been evident all season but the last few episodes have really brought it to the forefront (the guitar scene and the scene where he borrows Ryan's shirt. in particular). The directors/producers/whoever