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    I follow the TV business very closely and take performances very seriously (they can make or break a show) and it's actually starting to bug me that Tatiana Maslany isn't getting the press she should be for her amazing performance on this show. I want to yell from the rooftops about how INCREDIBLY good she is on this

    My favourite part of the diner scene was Helena's first bite of jello AFTER she put the sugar on…just one of total disgust. Hilariously acted by Tatiana. Also: the bite of toast from outside the diner looking in at Sarah. HA!

    Can we please give more props to the girl playing Maddie? Best kid on TV right now (even better than the girl on The New Normal). Her scenes with BJ are GOLD. So awesome.

    Can we please give more props to the girl playing Maddie? Best kid on TV right now (even better than the girl on The New Normal). Her scenes with BJ are GOLD. So awesome.