
Honestly we probably won't even get a mention of that note in the next episode the way they drag this shit out.

Showtime did not want more and i can see why now.

Bad acting is bad.

Nah theres just no excuse for that you cant just say oh Lynch meant that.

It's like they threw the footage into and blender and stuck the scenes back together in a random order, it's just a collection of scenes with characters that have no character.

It's funny now thats Twin Peaks is back this comparison doesn't work anymore season 3 is so different.

Plenty feminists would make that argument and rightfully so it treat woman as less capable like children.

Well that seems like a totally logical and acceptable opinion to have.

As much as I am enjoying just seeing whats going to happen next, they really needed someone with a bit of a backbone in the edit suit because you could totally cut 15 seconds from every scene and not lose any of the effect. Next weeks rating will probably we a quarter of the premiere and if they don't get back into

I will take "Too clever by half" over "too dumb to care" that we got with RTD every year.

It's easy to see why Star Trek keeps dying off considering the way fans react to anything new there is seriously a group of people on Twitter complaining because the uniforms have too many shiny bits and it doesn't fit into their timeline of uniforms. If your going to let silly bits of continuity like that get in the

No for once it's an episode that really didn't need to be a two parter.

To me the show does to Teen dramas what Twin Peaks did with the Soap Opera theme, I'm hoping for some supernatural stuff to come out in season 2 just like Twin Peaks as well although they do run the risk of losing their audience with that.

I dunno there was a part with Betty where the camera would not stop spinning for no reason.

Honestly if they'd just gone ahead with that musical teen sex montage between all the kids I wouldn't even of been mad they where two well earned scenes by the writers.

Honestly it's cheesy and it's sometimes cliche, but sometimes they pull of some great subversion of those cliches and ultimately it's a hell of a lot of fun. It's the best looking show on CW honestly it's got some real style and skill behind the production

That would have been brilliant.

They would of been better of getting you to write for this page atleast you actually pay attention to the show.

Im pretty sure theyve said thats their right now anyway .

I thought it looked funny could majorly kick off for her.