
I think the opposite is much much more prominent it's the people who blow smoke up Lynches ass and tell anyone who dares to call the show out they just don't get it.

I've seen the original series and still think this show is awful it's just an ugly mess of story lines even as an 18 hour movie the way characters and plotlines get dropped for hours at a time is just bad. It's a lifeless husk of a show only reason I watch now is because i've wasted so much time on it already might

He just wanted some ass to look at.

SEE all that is interesting and it's not the typical representation of slaves which is why it could be a good show if it gets given a chance and isn't beaten into the ground.

Just Lynch being self indulgent, I was just thinking yes I get the point end of act one and all now can we stop wasting screentime but it just kept going in its endless pointlessness.

You could really edit a full hour of Dougie out and lose nothing.

More like they needed a shot for the credits and wanted to use the Diner regardless of weather it was an odd unseemly choice because they new some fans would give them excuses for the edit anyway.

Still its presented as a TV show and he new it would be so all those criticisms are fair.

Yeah stuff like that is just annoying and a waste of screentime.


Non of that makes him immune to criticism for dragging every Dougie scene out twice as long as it needs to be.

Finally a great episode lots of good scenes with good pacing that actually flow together, although contrary to what a lot of people will say this episode wasn't made any better by the fact they dragged these stories out longer than needed.

Explains why it's the ugliest show on TV right now.

Im happy to see some Piper/Alex love honestly Piper still holds the show together for me she's literally the most relatable character to me because she a had a normal life with Larry that I can relate to.

She showed she really didn't give a shit about that stuff anymore.

It's only men the writers have made their views on men clear.

I love Piper the worst thing the show did was abandon her character.

Nah Tasty is a stupid person she'd of cried and kept blaming him when everyone who was there could even see how it was an accident.

Piper literally held the show together, since the writers gave up on her character because shes blonde and white the show has basically just been a prison soap opera with minority characters as mouth pieces for social justice messages.

Actually they are canceling their least watched most expenzive shows.