
You're not wrong the second episode is much in keeping.

I thought this episode was bloody awful and just a bad foot to start off on this new netflix version of the show, totally loses the tone,feel and the themes of the original series and feels way too over produced the second episode is much more what this show is about.

Just watched the first episode what was the reference to Army of Darkness ?

I was thinking of another compilation movie.

Maybe I am it's the one with the UFO's

Don't make me think about the dog segment it's too sad :(

Theres no way in hell this will survive the America TV ringer.

Ace Lightening ? I think it was about and English kid who moves to America and his Playstation disk screws up and all the characters of the game come out.

The endings the worst part it's just so weak and the last song is shit.

Now that was good.

I watched a show from Australia on Netflix the other day called Swift and Shift Couriers it was so offensive theres a disabled guy everyone makes fun of and there a smelly hairy arab character that wont carry a pig ballon,if I'm honest I enjoyed that they just didn't seem to give a shit if it was offensive though.

I don't understand your point about Two Pints though ? I never felt like they tried to make those characters people you'd want to spend time with isn't the whole joke basically look at these dirty chavs being dirty chavvy people.

Oh the Wiig/Sandler comparison is good !


Like humans do ? That song came on my old PC in windows media player .

If you've only seen the Life on Mars finale then you really don't know the ending,you need to watch the great sequel series Ashes to Ashes for the full picture.

In the future I will write an AV article about AV articles that introduced me to greta pop culture .

Nothing wrong headed about it .

I think the idea is if you release in foreign markets that are smaller first they have less people pirating the movie so you get some money off them before releasing in larger countries where there are more pirates or at least thats how i've always understood it .

I think the the current theory is thats why the singularity opened up because time got all screwy and the universe was trying to correct itself by sucking everything up but Barry stopped it so the universe the show is in from now on is unatural.