Josh Jones

Ahem, She's Out of Control needs a gender swapped remake.

I did not know this existed.

One to add to the list: The Brother from Another Planet.

Nice deep cut. I personally was hoping for Peter Porker, the Amazing Spider-Ham.

You're in the jungle, baby!

The Abby reveal is easily my favorite gag in the series.

Now I know who the guy in those energy shot ads is.

Mac and Me costs almost nine dollars?

Good job, internet.

Found footage? Aside from some video chats, this looks fairly standard.

I've tried watching Jaws 3 every year since it became available on video. I've never finished it. I always assumed Gossett dies, but Wikipedia says no. It has that going for it. Also, Manimal is in it.

Is Robocop even nominated? Monique was right. Politics.

This SNL special is confusing. Where's Ackroyd?

I haven't watched the show this season, but I think that an entire episode sans dialogue with the crew in a siege situation that just relied on the visuals to propel the story would be awesome.

You hit upon why I loved it and keep coming back. There may be another Eddie, Bill, Phil,or Belushi. Yes, there's sub-par, but I keep thinking " Maybe…" .
Plus, there's no dearth of new talent in the meantime. Key & Peele et al.

Watch your diet, get some cardio, lay off the booze. We'll see each other here at, what, 6:45. Everyone make it your beeswax to be here on time.

Agreed, he is obviously very savvy and has kept the show running for an amazing length of time. He has also been wise enough to foster talent that, taken as whole, is amazing. Even those that are not immediately associated with the show have benefited by the association. Ultimately, I know that the show aired was

What's up With That!

Nope, when I really got into SNL in my childhood he was someone I was always glad to see. It's reunion for those of us who grew up obsessively watching and rewatching each new episode.

Classy job. Paul Simon.