Josh Jones

The first time I heard Saturday Night Dead was Twilight Zone: The Movie in the "kick the Can" segment.

I typed a bit too soon. The end where they mocked themselves turned it around for me. Not great. Pretty good.

Me, too.

Still Dead!

Oh, JonLovitz!!

This tribute redeemed it.

Great choice to intro the tribute. Murray is a true elder statesman. Take notes, Murphy.

Absolutely, including SNL itself. I guess the chances of Lorne and 50th are slim and , maybe, just, maybe, he might choose something different to celebrate his legacy. However, he is a powerful producer and I'm just a teacher, so i defer to him.

And this new short is terrible.

I wish The Midnight Coeterie… was real.

The last hour could've just been digital Shorts.

Where's the Love Toilet?????

Louise K!

Realistically, I know that, but I feel like it could've been much more satisfying.

Aw, man, Sprockets!

She deserved a true tribute as did Belushi, Radner, O'donoghue, Kaufman, Rocket, Farley, and , of course, Hartman.

I think any comedy nerd could have cut together a better tribute. This has become self-indulgent in the worst way. I like Kanye's music, but what does this have to with celebrating my favorite show for the majority of my life.

She was a solid utility player. Not flashy. Not a star, but solid.


Classy tribute to Tracy Morgan. Sincerely.