
Please, Juice. In the name of the old gods and the new, just do it.

Cyril O'Reilly is not to be fucked with.

It's always a shame when a movie or TV program confuses tough/gritty with constant screaming, which really loses its effect when a character is shouting dialogue in every other scene.

A & E is not going to be happy until they are a 24 hour Duck Dynasty/storage locker auction channel.

I don't get how Pam always gets captured offscreen. I think it's happened like 78 times this season alone.

The main character is a tool. His wife is a nag. The heir apparent's only defining characteristic is he's rapey, and his wife is a more power hungry, poor man's Lady Macbeth nag. And I can't help but think the gay son thing was ripped off from Kings, which so far looks like it will be the far superior show about

I thought last season's finale was one of the worst episodes of television I had ever seen. Other than a sick compulsion to see how things get resolved, I have no idea why I watched tonight.

From what I'm seeing here, Molly and Gus getting together is the headline, but I was flabbergasted by the newspaper clipping "22 dead in Fargo". And the lion's share of them were probably armed.

"They know."

No. Lester's shotgun was a side by side double barrel, and the one Malvo used in his Jokeresque setup was a pump action.


A. Chlumsky Sexy Fake British Accent Rating: eight Jolly Rogers.

Carice van Houten boner rating: ten hot inches.

Nihilism apparently involves the sale of sporting goods.

Thank you, Doctor.

Come on, man. I can't be the only one completely burned out on stars from the 80s trying to relive their heydays. But I don't run a studio, so whatever.

Bryan Singer is more well known for his feature films like the first two X-Men movies and the Superman reboot that came out in 2006 (though he was an executive producer on House). He is also in some legal trouble right now.

Great point. For me the Red Dragon movie was truer to the book, but not nearly as good of a film as Manhunter.

I saw the teaser also. Not to mention I don't think anything on this show would be that simple. Or stupid.

Will Graham joins the illustrious Cosmo Kramer Club for converting lesbians.