
It was in the lyrics for "Tiny Dancer".

I'm glad someone else said what I was thinking.

No Red Viper. F+.

Poached eggs (scrape off the milky white stuff), hash browns well done, English muffin for the bread and a coffee.

"Arrr. The hotpants."

I'll admit when I first saw teasers for Hannibal I thought it was going to be dogshit (possible NBC bias). Glad to be proven wrong, the show's willingness to depart from the source material and keep it fresh is what impresses me most right now.

This was great, and Black Joan was ridiculous.

Not very constructive, but son of a fuck.

"This gun is the best gun ever."

A slightly above average season by Justified standards, which is better than most TV right now.

As long as she shaved her pits.

I see everything in this post and raise some really cliched character developments, most notably the ex-whore finding Jesus. And pussy.

If you haven't already, take a flyer on Thief. It was an FX show that didn't catch on and only ran for six episodes. Braugher was the lead in it and was pretty awesome. Because I'm such a good dude, I checked and it is Hulu Plus accessible.

This, and that song was so overplayed in 2013 I thought it reverted to non-existence like when a star goes nova.

"That was the end of an eight year relationship."
I didn't think Braugher could get any cooler than playing Pembleton, then he finds a perfectly fitting suit in a thrift store.

Every time.

I don't want to get into a semantic argument about it I just want the protein, alright?

At least say bulgogi or something Korean, you racist bastard.