
I would read this.

Because he'd have to get promoted twice to be a captain. Unless this is Lethal Weapon 4.

Jeremy Clarkson as Mr. Holmes. "You are the worst detective…. IN THE WORLD."

I fell for this in '99. Last Supper my ass.

In all fairness, an embezzler didn't shoot his parents.

Dude, next time post a trigger warning if you're going to bring up Low Winter Sun.

The frontrunner for Apocalypse right now is Oscar Isaac. Do with that what you will.

I'm so stoked to not watch this.

One of the more memorable moments from this show was watching one of the kids from Hangin with Mr. Cooper steal pain meds from a pediatric cancer patient.

He waits.

It started off a little slow, then Hood walked into the Savoy and things escalated quickly.

Besides the violence of this episode (which is the raddest), its awesomeness is further amplified by not having to deal with the sad sack mayor and his damn weiner kids.


So we never find out who did the threatening graffiti and killed the birds? OK, cool.

Reasons I love S. Seagal so much:

I'm just relieved that Jax and Gemma didn't end up fucking. There was some speculation in the comments section (based on something Charlie Hunnam said in an interview) that it was going that way.

A Croque Monsieur is basically a grilled cheese sandwich made from higher quality bread/cheese with ham on it.

The man-rape symbolizes… I've got nothin.

How they planted a bomb in a camper and got in position for an ambush at the cabin is right up there with "How did Batman get back to Gotham?"

"If you have feelings for me, fuck me in front of your scummy, indy wrestler-looking biker pal. I'm the sheriff by the way."