Connor Swanson

Yeah he could've just said "it's a title."

Ooo yes. Maybe she can have an inner white girl ala Leslie Jones in SNL.

When trailers for movies like that come on at the theatre I leave the room.

Yeah someone was talking about how glad they were Deadpool existed for much the same reasons. A movie that can gifted in secret to little brothers, or can be streamed at a sleepover when the parents are asleep; something that makes kids feel like they're rebelling. We need more movies like that.

Digging the bombshell look, but I have a huge crush on Mackenzie Davis and wish it could have been her with the black and white facepaint.

Yeah I've totally given up on trying to figure out the timeline on this show. People travel cross continent in the span of a few scenes. A lot of time must be passing, but you don't get that from the show's relentless plotting.

Yeah a lot of book readers I've talked to hate the later seasons; they see them as sloppy, underwritten, and fan-ficcy. It can be those things, but I never had an intense connection to GRRM's books so I don't mind as much; actually having to close a story requires tying things up somehow. I'm just happy that so far

I mean they may be related but that doesn't mean much at this point does it?

That was once said by someone very wise…

I don't really. Makes Dany seem even more pretentious. Maybe a populist queen should drop all the reminders of how she's better than everyone else?

Be hard to send an invading army up that's for sure.

I really didn't know who to sympathize with in that scene. It's like yes, Ellaria was dumb and petty to do what she did, but Cersei's punishment is approximately 70 times worse.

I was surprised. Granted we have seen next to nothing of him since Hodor, and his detachment can be inferred to be from the loss of his friend, but I really would have liked to see a link from then to now.

He wrote that song!

80's Joel doo-whop sucks!

I feel like they had a say in Spider-Man's marketing, cuz it was kind of bad. Remember that trailer that spoiled half the goddamn movie? Or that poster? That HAD to be Sony.

He was in that movie? Well fuck; that both does and doesn't surprise me. He has a very 1800s vibe to him.

And how tragically efficient it is. Those hitmen may be professional, and they may not see it as personal, but they should still rot in hell.

Perhaps the best American monster movie? Or should I say the MOST American.

My friend who also happened to be an objectivist was obsessed with Daniel Plainview after seeing that movie; his favorite part was "I abandoned my boy! I abandoned my child!" He was totally aware of what a monster he was and loved him anyway. He was a weird guy.