Connor Swanson

As clumsy as the writing has been, it's cool because that was the best shot they had at taking out the Night King. If Dany had known more about the Walkers she could have dive bombed the King while she had the element of surprise. Now that he knows about the dragons AND has one of his own it will MUCH harder to take

Credit where credit's due: Bad Coop's acts of violence have been sparse but remarkably impactful and well-executed. His off-handed disarming of the guard in the premiere, his punching the face in of the gang boss, and his distracting Richard Horne show him as really quite formidable. The editing and sound design

There does seem to be an emphasis on electricity, and the humming coming from telephone wires.

That's a great word for it!

Cameron has become Donna!

Best written episode this season I think. I had just watched a few from season 1 and was pleased to see a good mixture of pure (slow, relatively unhurried) character moments thrown in to all the plot machinations. And boy am I pumped for the All-Star Ranger Squad; that's just a badass bunch there.

omigod The Verve I forgot about them. I didn't even smoke weed until 2009 and I loved The Verve.

People group Incubus in with Sublime all the time, and I don't know why. I mean I do, but they're so much better than them!

It's weird how Foo Fighters started out as Beatles/Beach Boys knock offs.

Holy shit I just realized that's actually a True Detective quote (time is a flat circle=ka??). King really does have a quite large sphere of influence.

I really hope "golden shovel" enters the lexicon as the new "magic bullet."

He asks "what kind is it?" (Bordeaux, didn't he just say?) Cole responds "11:05," Albert sighs, and just stares at him some more. He tried engaging with him, Cole misheard him, and Albert presumably remembered how little he cares about small talk.

Also I don't think there will be another season. Too many stars need to align, too many people have been lost between then and now.

I think it'll be Dougie/Dale (a bit more Dale) arriving at the Twin Peaks sign and that's it. Just the smallest of hopes that he might be able to set things right, one day. That seems right to me with how bleak the season has been so far.

Gordon and Albert's exchange after the French lady had me cracking up. Gordon tells his dumb joke; nothing from Albert. He waits for the joke to land, nothing. He tells him about how many languages there are in the world, nothing. He looks a little wounded, like maybe he doesn't get his sense of humor, and lacks his

It's genius because it's no one's favorite movie!

I use that, and it works, up until I try changing my password, my password confirm doesn't match the original, then I need to re enter my old password, which has been deleted in favor of my new random password. I could keep a copy of my old password until the new one goes through, but who cares enough to do that? I

What did HBO ever do to them?

Seems like everyone here's always complaining about how old they are though.