Connor Swanson

I love how bold the "HELL" caption was (and how the show starts with "OUTER SPACE"). Really subtle, like it's daring you to take this show seriously lol. This show never forgets its pulp roots and I love it for that.

After that I wouldn't be surprised if the motherfucker was fireproof too.

Loved the scene where Dany called Varys out, but not because Dany called him out on his treachery. I loved it because I love seeing Varys sidestep certain doom again with nothing but his wits and words. Indeed he flipped it around and exuded so much power in the situation that it almost made me think he was the one in

It almost seems too… conscious though, ya know? The thing I love about pretentious eye-close speak is that it's almost a subconscious reaction, like you're so secretly ashamed of being such a douchebag that you can't even look the person in the eye.

I don't really watch TV *really wishes there was a pretentious eye-closing while you speak emoji as it would be the only emoji ever worth using*

That song is so good! That whole album really. "When They Come For Me" is still one of my favorites; I still haven't heard a song that sounds like it. It's one of the craziest genre mashups I've ever heard (Heavy industrial glitch, hip-hop, tribal drums, Arabian chords in there), and it shouldn't work, but it

I really like the lyrics on The Catalyst (A Thousand Suns is my favorite album of theirs; late to the scene as usual):
"God bless us everyone/
we're a broken people living under loaded gun/
and it can't be outfought/
it can't be outdone/
it can't be outmatched/
it can't be outrun."
Kind of fits the national mood now more

A lot of his lyrics are retroactively a lot more creepy/prodound now. "When they come for me, come for me, I'll be gone."

aka Senor Feeture.

Yeah, Mad Men worked because it called us out on our nostalgia instead of basking in it, and reminded us that America has always been shitty. Which is ironically why I have a lot of nostalgia for Mad Men.

Their hit-to-miss ratio is way off.

I feel like you'd have to be extremely psychotic to think of exactly 13 reasons to kill yourself, instead of the general malaise most suicidal people describe; plus the somewhat arduous work of taping a monologue/treasure hunt about it over several tapes makes it premeditated as fuck. Those 13 people are lucky she

People say The Gift is really good.

I never thought I'd live to see a day when Tobey Maguire was the worst Spider-Man (Garfield had shit movies, but he was a solid choice.)

Also, where's the Winter Solider on this list? I know he's a more complicated character than simply villain/hero, but I thought the scenes where he was an antagonist were great: very imposing, ruthless (that grenade launcher that sent Cap through a bus still hurts to this day), and physically more than a match for Cap.

One minor gripe: the scene where he picks Peter up and drops him was abjectly terrifying, but it could have been way more so. Show how out of his depth Peter is; linger on the total fear and lack of control he's feeling as he plummets to his death. Only when it looks really bad does the parachute deploy; in my opinion

Yeah he evolved into a fascinating villain towards the end there. I especially like how he didn't rat on Peter in prison; cuz he saved him, and he owes him, and more, he respects him! Hope we see more of him; or how great would it be if Falcon got his suit? Talk about an upgrade.

That is a solid solid list. Points for Zeno being so high up! Yes people have plot gripes that I don't care about, but the essence of his character and what he tried to do (and accomplished) were fascinating.

Also can we talk about how Tony was going to put Peter in the room next to Vision? A guy who can walk through walls next to a wallcrawler. What if Vision walks through the wall and resolidifies in Peter? Terrible planning on Tony's part lol; but that's pretty par for the course (side note: I honestly love that little

The cast was so on point. Who else wants to see Michael Mando as Venom? I mean he is Mac Gargan. Also Donald Glover as another Spidey; there's still hope!