Connor Swanson

Yesyesyes with the car scene; it was a screenwriter's dream triangulating what everyone knew and when, learning a bit more and always ratcheting up the tension. Definitely the highlight for me, and goes to show that effects are great and all, but character is where it's at.

When did he use it?

Machievelli did say that good people should be as cunning as the evil if they wanted to get anywhere…

I hate it when people apply cold show-watching logic to situations like that; it's like yes, maybe he could have done that, but scared people are by definition irrational. Have some empathy!

Clegane is one of the many reasons Thrones is a much better show than The Walking Dead. The only lesson people learn on that show is that the world sucks and caring for people will get you killed. The writers of Thrones know better; that the world is a big place, full of many lessons to be learned, and that Clegane's

Some of it has to do with the visual fidelity and how it skews close to photorealism. Murder is harder to swallow when it looks more real than stylized JRPGS. (Purely devil's advocate here, I love Uncharted.)

It took a long long while without just headshots if I recall.

Yeah I can think of a few people who are serial spoilers who are kind of assholes, but a non-serial spoiler accidentally spoiling something for you? Not the the end of the world (not least because I probably won't remember.).

"Huh, no, I guess you're right…" BETTER MOVIE THAN THIS ONE ALREADY.

"Well should I relax or should I choke up on the handle?!"

There's an episode of Rick and Morty where the dad tries to lower his golf stroke and disaster ensues.

The trailer for this looked worse and more basic than any one of the intro to screenwriting scripts I read in college; those were actually a lot of fun, written by young spirited folks whose dreams were yet to be crushed unlike everyone involved in this movie's were.

He's a Trump apologist; or at least he was, until he realized what a shit-flinging monkey of an anti-politician he is. I enjoy the hypocrisy of Harvey's wounded self-righteousness immensely. His show exists to cater to the lowest common denominator, and then he's surprised when it keeps getting lower.

Clearly it's too good for Emmys.

Avoiding spoilers is overrated; do all you can to avoid them, yes, but don't get so upset about them that you end friendships with someone over them. Everyone comes at stories from a different place; some know more than others.

I *like,* but don't love Squirrel Girl because there's no interesting contrast like that; Gwenpool sounds awesome though, will have to check it out! Also, am I the only one who thought Gwenpool was referring to Gwen Stacy? Kind of disappointed.

I won't be buying the Zelda DLC; just got a PS4 and am ripping through Bloodborne! Plus I'm kind of miffed that the DLC isn't a new area to explore; exploration was my favorite part of the game, not the trials.

Seriously though, the only benefits are having personal space at concerts and making more money on average. The humanity!

Don't forget the increased likelihood of head injuries!

6'3". The world is *so* hard for us tallboys!