Connor Swanson

I think (hope) you mean swarthy?

It hits the right notes for all demographics; cool action/cars for young and old (men), musically inclined to make it exciting and different enough for jaded movie goers, romance, and the Edgar Wright factor that ensures all AVClubbers will see it.

Yeah that was the only time I've ever thought "man, what that movie could use was MORE musical numbers!"

Anyone else wish Jon Bernthal had stayed through the rest of the movie?I wish he had; dude had me cracking up. I love Jon Hamm, but I've seen enough of him in Mad Men, and I would've liked to see Bernthal in an antagonistic role. Also, remember when he said if you don't see me again, it's cuz I'm dead."? Did he die?

It's not very violent, until it is. Towards the end it is considerably violent but in very short bursts. Implied, but no actual sex.

False. Superman, idiot.

Oh yeah I totally forgot about that lol. At least he walked back the damage as best he could! And he won't be getting that big payout anytime soon.

Jimmy isn't even an anti-hero; not yet anyways. I see him as a basically good guy who just bends the rules a bit too much.

I'm so surprised that it's not higher in ratings. Granted it doesn't have the same "omg did you see last episode" format as Breaking Bad, but surely enough people loved it that they would stick with Saul? A surprising amount of people I've talked to who loved BB haven't seen Saul for whatever reason. A few wait for it

Oh thank god. I forgot about that, went through a mini-panic attack when reading the headline and got through it all very quickly.

Yeah the tone of the later films was spot on. Dark, but not dark for dark's sake like so many recent studio movies. Deathly Hallows Part 1 remains one of my favorites in the series just due to the muted yet strikingly beautiful tone. So many still moments in that movie that could just be photographs of places…

Maybe if she actually gave a damn and stopped making all this glorified fan fiction (doesn't she edit actual fan fiction on Pottermore or whatever?) I might give it another chance, but still.

Looking almost *exactly* like him and growing up in similar isolated circumstances, I have always identified with Harry Potter. He's a great role model! Honest, humble, loyal, a great friend. I loved the books, loved the movies. After Deathly Hallows part 2 came out I was devastated; it was like losing a family

I would never accuse Lynch's films as being immediately enjoyable.

When the lights were off in the cinema I had no idea where he was. I thought it was some strangely impressionistic Victorian era painting he was walking through. Again I love how he uses black and white coloring and darkness to obscure, which spurs the imagination to wander freely.

Fire Walk with Me made her death seem like a necessary sacrifice to stem the flow of Bob's evil. It didn't work, though, and perhaps that's why they need to "find Laura" again.

1. I thought so too, but who knows. 2. I was under the impression that the set dressing and wardrobe and the black and white screen set it as in (Near? Next to?) the '40s.

I don't know. I thought Coop was Dougie at the moment, but anything's possible. More importantly, let me just say that as a former English major and general appreciator of turns of phrase, I love he 'was tended to by sooty men.'

I wish he could do the soundtrack to Twin Peaks. It's funny, they were easily the biggest band to play on the show, and yet they probably fit the best.

The mushroom cloud reminded me a lot of the Evolution of the Arm.