Connor Swanson

I found it nifty how Lynch was able to obscure so much despite still using hi-def cameras: shoot everything at night and in black and white. Gave everything a very retro, tactile feel. It's interesting how often in film the less we see the more real it feels.

Any one of those hooks in Sober is enough to write a song around, but she threw them all in there for good measure! Favorite part: the anthemic build to "We pretend that we just don't ca-re, but we ca-re!" Because of course you do, how could you not?

Yeah but you're seeing a lot of run of the mill blockbusters flop in the US and dominate overseas (Independence Day, The Mummy, Pirates of the Carribean). It could be population, but I do like to think that as they learn more about what good movies are, they'll stop buying the crap Hollywood is slinging.

Seriously though, I love the rationale behind the Chinese loving all these dumb movies: they haven't been allowed to see enough movies to know what good movies are yet. Give them time…

Film terrorists!

You would think the theme of reincarnation would be offensive to the Party; after all, how can there be reincarnation if their damn population keeps skyrocketing?

I love how Howard applauded just long enough to keep up appearances, and just like *that,* the smile dropped and he left. And Chuck wincing when he realized that he would have to face everyone. Incredible acting on both their parts.

I kept expecting him to find the bug Mike planted. Did that thread just go nowhere?

Sorry didn't mean it! It's the only thing I've read by him. As a story about stories it seems like it'd be up Lindelof's alley.

That's interesting considering the last season is set almost entirely in Australia. Get on it mate!


Damon is sick of all the good will he garnered from The Leftovers already and wants to flagellate himself at the altar of angry fanboys some more.

I was surprised to see him try to revive Tuco, given his vendetta; probably wanted to save him for himself.

Shout out to that awesome song playing during Nacho's training montage, "Cold Feet" by Fink. He's one of the best white blues singers out there, and he started as an EDM producer!

The only thing I remember about that movie!

As David Bowie showed, there's nothing more terrifying than walking down a hallway slowly, out of focus, and with terrible yet unknown purpose.

I LOVED when Truman asked him about Coop, and Doc said "well, I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning…" setting us up for disappointment, but then "but I remember that!" Old coot's still got it!

Ahh true, but I saw it more as a hilariously cheeky subversion and reclamation of the anti-Semetic conspiracy that they secretly control the world. It's like "oh really? You ain't seen nothing yet."

If the story calls for romance, let there be romance!

Also can we talk about how surprisingly good the first one was? Solid gameplay, but HOLY CRAP did I care about the story more than I was expecting to. It was definitely the characters; even Blazckowitz was relatively nuanced; still a meathead, but a meathead *with feelings,* ya know?