Jonathan Jaramillo

I always felt like he would be a decent scientist if he only had a father figure to guide him. Which of course, is probably the point of the series.

I thought maybe that song was on when the hookers hooked all over him.

Or he's a plant for the Guild. He was a double agent before, so he could be back to that, just at a lower level.

I tend to avoid this episode, because I tear up every time, however when I do watch it, I forget how funny the episode really is

If you ever get the chance, listen to the Director commentary. It's full of funny little nuggets (made funnier by Mel Brooks) and surprisingly moving thoughts about the people he worked with over 30 years ago.

from IMDB:

The "Ritz" scene from Young Frankenstein. I want to see Gene Wilder prove Mel Brooks wrong in person. Or any scene in this movie really, non stop hilarious.

I always assumed he said Trojan football, which made sense and I never questioned it.

Inside Out is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard from Spoon. What a great song on a great album.

I'm with you, there isn't a bad track on the album and I'm baffled by so many articles referring to it as a step back. I loved GaGaGaGaGa, but Transference felt personal and raw.

I really like the first song "Three Women" (especially the jam at the end) and "Just One Drink".

while i do love the gristle, morningstar makes a great facon.

holy shit, it's been edited. I swear he had bacon listed in his sandwich ingredients.

You should add some croutons to the tube of PB and J. Can life get any better? I submit that it can NOT!

makes sense, i thought maybe he threw it in there among an array of veggies to see if anyone would catch on. I laughed.

I thought i was crazy since the interviewer didn't acknowledge it. Maybe he slipped it in there?

his, uh, vegan sandwich has bacon in it. Did anyone else notice that?

I just recently found the Unearthed box set, which has quite a bit of songs from this era. I've found some gems recently, such as a cover of "Heart of Gold" and a catchy version of "Devil's Right Hand". Some of my favorites are the old hymns, which takes me back to my old churchy days.
*Edited to mention that his

Glad i'm not the only one who found Nick Cave through Johnny Cash.

O.S.I. Instructor: Well, let's see here, Mr. Samson. On the driving portion, you totalled every car but the one you were driving; on the pistol range, you refused to use a gun. And, uh, oh. Hah! Yeah, here's my favorite: on the written, you drew a little guy with wings from the Led Zeppelin records.
Brock Samson: