Jonathan Jaramillo

but all those "non-males" are explicitly played by male actors.

but the point is that she's the only one. She's the only female protagonist of importance across three movies. I'd love to have my daughter idolize and look up to Leia, but I don't want her thinking it's normal that Leia is the exception.

why is there only one woman in the rebel army? it's not about women being better or in a place of authority, it's about equal and realistic representation.

as much as i loved Roger Rabbit and his other movies, he will always be Smee for me.

just watched this on netflix. Made me love Avery Brooks, who seems so bemused by the conversations that he just takes to noodling on the piano. Bakula spends his time making it clear he didn't need star trek, in fact most of his scenes are about Quantum Leap. Shatner seems pretty amazed by the fact a woman, i mean, a

The mind game from Ender's Game was my first thought. Hell, even the battle room games would be awesome, but the mind game was always more interesting to me.

Stephen King. I forget, since his output is so prolific, that the man is fast approaching 70. So many of his books impacted me on a weird personal level and it will be sad when he is no longer writing.
to that end, i'll grieve for the loss of Cormac McCarthy as well.

The commentary for this movie is pure gold. Mel Brooks choking up at the start up credits is touching and he has really interesting, genuine and funny stories the whole movie.