
The big distinction when it comes to Middle Earth Elves are the ones that went off to Valinor (and later came back) and their descendants (High Elves) and the ones that never did (Low Elves, like the Mirkwood Sylvan elves). The former are much more enlightened and important than the latter. That's the reason that

I just re-read The Hobbit, so I have to disagree with you about who was a "big part of the books." Bard gets far more attention and focus in the films than in the book (including the additions of having a family, lots of drama with and getting locked up by the obnoxious town master and his assistant Mr. Unibrow,

He was already going to attack Laketown based on Bilbo's "barrel-rider" verbal slip.

That was pretty much your whole point and it is factually incorrect. Hard to fault someone for focusing on it.

Everyone knows the only lace that's any good is Myrish lace.

Jaqen cut the face off of a corpse. That was at least slightly gruesome.

I get what you mean, that we appear to have a time loop and so Bran is just doing what he already did. However, if he didn't do that in the future, I think the timeline could have just unfolded a different way or branched off. Younger Bran could have not been an idiot and never gotten paralyzed. Wylis could have had

I'm with you on the first part, but not the "inevitable and necessary" part. It was very much avoidable and unnecessary if Bran had just followed Ol' Three Eyes' instructions!

Strongly disagree that the show being more sexually explicit is a positive change.

November 2016 is this coming November AND the next November that we will experience. I don't think next November starts to denote November 2017 until we are already in November 2016.

I've got a bad feeling about this— not the casting news, the comma splice in the headline.

I can confirm that the security footage shows "Al" putting the crown into his uniform.

See also: Jim transferring to Stamford at the start of Season 3 of The Office, which was undone about 7-8 episodes in when the branches merged.

This intro, short as it was, was still better than the random photos popping up last season IMHO.

care to transcribe any of it for us? =)

Yep, "Snoke" is a terrible name for a big bad. I too thought he was a giant at first.

Just as an aside, I hate the name "Snoke" for the big bad. Just…not threatening-sounding at all.

I think that is just Daisy Ridley's real British accent.

The Jedi Academy trilogy is where it's at.

Agreed. Starcrossed was epic. Being a three-parter allowed it to be more like a movie than a TV episode.