So. much. Blue. Beetle.
So. much. Blue. Beetle.
The Cadmus arc was my favorite part of either series.
My ranking is JLU>YJ>JL. I didn't enjoy the non-unlimited JL as much. It was still good, but they weren't as funny and confident as JLU would later be. And basically every episode being a two-parter sometimes made things predictable (insert "to-be-continued scene where all seems lost" to end the first part!).
I always liked Allison Mack's Chloe Sullivan much better than Smallville's version of Lois.
I don't disagree, but the discussion was of Superman as Messiah, which Moses has never been considered.
1) Jesus was Jewish. 2) Messianic Jews exist. 3) What other Messiah figures are there that would have any resonance with people?
It's the Moors! The card is wrong!
Then "Greendale is where I belong" merges with the "Winger speech theme" when Jeff says they are just saying goodbye to the room, and for a little while they are playing at the same time, and it is so beautiful I can't stand it.
The music I'm talking about is at 0:30 of this video:…
Todd's hair was already intensely curly back in Season 3 (see the Law & Order Episode). Offense taken!
Miles ahead or streets ahead?
"We've pulled off another year, and we're still standing! Take that health inspector, building inspector, foundation inspector, water line inspector, geologist, exterminator, plumber, and DAD!"
Now we know why he made Pierce and Troy escort him to the Valentine's dance wearing elegant ladies' pantsuits.
This! He is the second in command to Nathan Fillion and his daughter plays soccer.
The fact that he was able to stop the SotH attacks (at least temporarily) as a condition for Dany to marry him is very suggestive that if he's not a leader, he at least has major connections to them.
"Taking to" Scarlett could mean lionizing her rather than finding her compelling but off-putting.
Should have been…Bill?
Just FYI, the woo-ooh theme is officially called "Greendale is where I belong," I presume because of the line Annie says right before she and Jeff kiss in the Season 1 finale. I didn't think Tony meant that one because I never noticed whistling in it, but maybe he thought the vocal "woo-oohs"s were low whistling. …
If only the leather had been boiled he might have survived!
"The Faith Militant's awesome and for winners; you're for tools!" -Lancel Lannister
Except budgetary and debt issues are already a plot point in the show, and have led to major plotlines involving the Iron Bank of Braavos (which IIRC is already involved in bankrolling Stannis to some degree). Even in this very same episode, Cersei sent Mace Tyrell and Meryn Trant to Braavos to try to get more…