
♪ I can show you the North
Snowy, shivering, barren.
Tell me Your Grace, now where in
Westeros should we fly tonight?♬

Not referring to the flame, but him sinking in the water inmetal a rmor and with a metal hand and somehow not only surviving, but getting far enough away to avoid capture and being pulled out of the water still wearing said armor.

Joffrey's culpability was revealed in the book, but I don't think the show has made it clear and they aren't bound by that.

We may not know for sure, but I daresay most readers conclude that because Cersei has worried for so many years about her "little brother" Tyrion killing her, it will actually be her other brother, who is also younger and named Jaime.

Tina Fey (or one of her associates) definitely hates Attack of the Clones though, which has been consistent since 30 Rock Season 1 "Corporate Crush."

Obviously no one got raped, but it's still highly "othering" and utterly detached from the reality of living in rural or Southern America.

Schleswig, Holstein, and Glucksburg are all German geographic names. Hard to see that surname not having German baggage, Danish dynasty or no.

Huh? There is an Asian guy in the squad who I presume is going to be the Black Ranger.

I don't see any reason to believe the dragon horn will be used in the show. Where the books left off, Dany has lost control of her dragons and can't get them to obey her. In the show, they have just decided to obey her again with no explanation.

Yup. This is the guy who got most of his army killed last week because he had to charge Ramsay's forces solo. Then the Vale forces show up at the last second to save his hide and somehow that makes Jon a great leader??

With a blast that huge, none of them would have been able to get far enough away to live even if the exit hadn't been blocked.

As a viewer I still wanted to know whether the Vale forces just got there as soon as they could, whether Littlefinger or Sansa deliberately held them back, etc.

I agree that Sansa's motivations remain vague. Take her conversation with Jon tonight:
Sansa: Hey, sorry I didn't tell you about the Knights of the Vale. I'm sure you don't want any explanation of how I knew when they would arrive (since I rode in with them) or why I chose to withhold that game-changing information

The Jon-Sansa follow up conversation to last week was…less than illuminating:
Sansa: BTDubs, sorry I didn't tell you about the Knights of the Vale. You don't want any explanation of how I knew when they would arrive (since I rode in with them) or why I chose to withhold that game-changing information that could

The Jon-Sansa conversation left MUCH to be desired:
Sansa: Sorry I didn't tell you about the Knights of the Vale. I'm sure you don't want any explanation of how I knew when they would arrive (since I rode in with them) or why I chose to withhold that game-changing information that could potentially have avoided the

The Trial by (Wild)Fire?

"King IN the North! IN!" -Ghost of Stannis

"Let's be honest, pretty much every fantasy battle is the same." Tolkien did it first, though, and everyone else is following and/or trying to subvert the genre conventions that he established.


You are correct - the "High" Elves (think Galadriel's and Elrond's families) went to Valinor and learned from the Valar. The "Low" Elves, including most of the Mirkwood kingdom, stayed in Middle Earth the whole time and accordingly are less powerful and less enlightened.