
The "Seinfeld is Unfunny" TV Tropes page doesn't declare that Seinfeld is not funny. It refers to the phenomenon of people watching Seinfeld now (20 years later) and not getting what the big deal is, because they have grown up in an era where so many shows were heavily influenced by Seinfeld (and many have straight up

Would a fan really use "hobbit" as an insult, though? Since they are presented in such a favorable light in both the books and the films and (SPOILER ALERT) save all of Middle Earth.

haha yes. Freudian slip that the lack of proofreading was "depicable."

Hate to be that guy, but…

I don't agree that using the "Peanuts" name is any sort of plus. It is extremely non-descriptive of the strip's content (apparently a reference to "the peanut gallery") , and Schulz always hated it. His original title was "Li'l Folks" (not saying that's an amazing name or anything) but "Peanuts" was forced on him by

I've got two ears and a heart, don't I?

Exactly! She was so Catholic she had a couch reserved for the pope!

You got slammed, girl!

A tragic omission from the "Nerds!" notes: Jack's hypothesis about Liz's humor coming from wearing "some sort of brace or corrective boot" is proven true a season later during "MILF Island" when we learn that Liz walked pigeon-toed as a child and wore corrective footgear…that attached to a headgear.

I understood it as he was only at the right place at the right time because he was trying to return the screwdriver to the Mystery Shack.

And the blue writing with yellow border…I could have made something better on iMovie. For shame!

I'll be there for you
when the rain starts to fall
I'll be there for you
when it weeps o'er your hall
I'll be there for you
my lord of Castamere
I'll be there for you
when there's not a soul to hear

No love for Liz's attempt to keep up with the "Cardio Hip Hop Groove" (at least it doesn't contain the words "strip," "salsa" or "beatz" with a z) dance class? "Don't give up, Ponytail!"

My Colleen episode ranking (based on Colleen content, not the episode as a whole) :
Ludachristmas > Hiatus > Christmas Attack Zone > Christmas Special > My Whole Life is Thunder > The Natural Order > Meet the Woggels > The Moms > Señor Macho Solo

I'll take that as a compliment. An Wang, the founder of Wang Computers, is one of the great businessmen of the 20th century.

Say what?? The Promise Keepers organization was/is all about men staying faithful to their wives and families. Samson and Delilah may be from the Bible, but Tracy's argument is diametrically opposed to their philosophy.

They met up at least once (most likely multiple times) in the prime timeline, although we didn't get to see it. In "Hiatus," Colleen came into town from Florida for Bianca's wedding (NOT her son's wedding to Phoebe the white geisha, occurring the same day).

Penny's lack of a problem with it seemed to stem from her own lack of financial disclosure re: massive credit card debt…

"an investment that will help Stuart get a new store after a fire decimated his last season" - So the fire only burned 10% of his merchandise? /pedantry