
Good points! But black men are allowed to…they just choose not to. In situations like this, when their d— has really been challenged (by infidelity), they pressure themselves and each other to go on the rebound as quickly and as crudely as possible. Everyone wearing a mask (but in this show, no one is wearing condoms!)

Clearly some ole hating Deltas wrote that character, lol. Not all AKAs are light-skinnnteded and saditty.

She gave him that number and he took it, knowing at some point he may be tempted to cheat. What men you know decline phone numbers *offered* by eager women they are physically attracted to? Even if they never think they'll use it, they accept. And trust that her personal cell number was not on her bank business card,

The pretentious children and grandchildren of Hollywood stars trying to make a go on their own…sort of.

No, stuff actually happens in House of the Devil. Nothing happens in this.

Overwrought, boring as fuck. Wouldn't even have worked as well as a short story.

A keeper, enjoyed this weird ass movie

Jiffy? Lordt.

Because for many, here and around the world, beauty and/or money makes everything alright. If you've got one or both, you're good. Many will forgive all.

I got issues with Red state governors blocking that ish.

Because we're a minority in this country—and actually, many other minorities can step right over our very worthy bodies because they aren't the whipping boys, aren't the societal scapegoats, aren't the bottom of a system that is based on pimping our black skin. We are the 'boogeymen' and women in a system that

Go suck a diqk. Quick.

Steven stay effing up.

Folks so unbothered, they talmbout Game of Thrones on this thread, lolllll!

The people you are discussing are possibly academics and sometimes viewed as conspiracy folks, so….

I don't know. If Angela Davis was coming of age today, she might be made as much of as Zendaya or the sister who was the beauty editor for Essence. I don't see lightskinned sisters being shunned. That is some utter nonsense. If anything—ask Lisa Bonet, who could never act worth a damm, they are fetishized and

I think this rush to delegitimize his speech came from mostly brothers who were trying to overshadow him calling their azzes out on not supporting black women in the same way we support them.

I agree with you. I also think that Viola's wonderful speech was a little more lyrical and abstract, and negroes be playing themselves sometimes, so maybe they responded more to Jesse because it was more on the nose, more direct? Also, is there a totally different audience between the black folks who will sit through

I think it's hard sometimes for some of them to really figure out how to be a decent 'ally,' so they get real extra. Other times, the antics that come across as disingenuous is because they haven't actually interrogated themselves and their motives. Like, who are you, really and why are you attempting to be engaged in

Val, This. See Tommy Sotomayer. He seems to have no problem with the fact that Neo Nazis, rednecks, and Klanners are high fiving on his vitriolic, hateful black women bashing videos, right alongside the rest of the black men and hoteppers.