
I know that it is hurtful to experience that, but people are operating based on anecdotes and personal experiences. What they have seen. I can only speak for me, but I love me some Afro-Latina sistren, but I have personally seen how some get down. If their skin color and hair texture allows, they are whatever they

Nihilistic much?

Yes. Sadly, yes.


True, though in regards to colonialism and the TransAtlantic slave trade, Islam was oppressive, like Christianity.

This man was literally in tears about his dreams of a new life with his little daughter and his girlfriend going up in smoke, but folks post as if his family was invisible. Odd.

Tony's big sister was a normal teen girl who was just weary with having her own childhood burdened as a surrogate Mama in the household.

Hector was not "completely alone." He had a daughter and a girlfriend. They were his family.

Omg, you are just as delusional.

Claiming that he didn't murder others. He rationalizes his crimes against humanity.

This episode seems inspired by the real-world tech experiments of the founder of Sirius z satellite and her wife. They have an AI-ish social robot based on Bina named BINA48.

The world is not only not cut and dry, as you indicate, but also one where even humans can choose to make use of their natural instincts and sense. If one is a person who happens to be able smell or sense rain, remarkably, right before it does in fact rain, are we to discount or suppress that info because others

This was a great episode but the 'grain' could have very well been replaced with existing tech—that is, the Internet and the cell phone. More than a few infidelities were tracked down and obsessed over via social media.

Chump, cops don't even treat known mass shooters like that or rapists, so kick rocks with your trolling.

Because this was some 'Black man gonna teach you Lil black b—-" sh-t, that's why. Black misogyny and a piss poor teacher with no classroom mgt skills.