
Every so often I'm reminded that when the AV Club brings the sarcasm it REALLY brings the sarcasm.

I think you missed prime bad dialogue here.

I guess the Fountainhead convinces this herd of walking mozzarella sticks that 300 dollars and a photo ID gives them the right to fly through the air like the Guardian Owls of LEGEND!

I'm not even joking when I say that this explains so many things. Including, and especially, why he missed the point of Watchmen by about 150 miles.

I had completely forgotten that Cabin Fever was even getting a remake.

The episode, as a whole, is up and down, but to me it's all worth it for the "NEWS FLASH ASSHOLE!" exchange. The way Dennis spits "Because I hate you," just slayed me.

And the geeks wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

Didn't Kevin Smith used to be known for his scripts? Or am I going crazy?

Paul, nothing against you, but: What the hell are you talking about?

…Shut it down. Shut it all down.

Like all Shyamalan movies, this movie fascinates me. Not because it's good, it's…f**king terrible, but because it seems to be bad by design. Everything is structured around it's third act twist, which doesn't do much more than A, be incredible cliched and B, suck all the tension out of the room.

Maroon by Barenaked Ladies is one of my favorite albums, but I cannot stand its album art. In fact, I can't think of a single one of their album covers that's not somewhat bad.
…Maybe Born on a Pirate Ship.

My opinion of this entire worthless franchise can be summed up by the thought I had when I first saw the Centipede in the first one:

…Well if I wasn't seeing it before, I'm sure as hell seeing it now.

Frank, is there some medication that you need to be taking that you're not? Or if you are taking it, do you need to adjust the dosage? Stop mixing it with other medication? We're here because we care about you Frank and want you stop sucking, we want to find a solution Frank.

This is one of the most hilariously misguided things DC has put in their movies for years. And there is HEAVY competition for that.

Goddammit Hollywood, is it not occasionally reasonable to assume that we came to a monster movie to see some goddamn monsters?

Good lord that headline exhausted me.

Well given that I was -8 in 1982, I didn't have much of an opinion about the movies coming out at that time, but I take your point. Although, I could use the mob of sequels that came after those movies, gradually eroding the original's credibility, as one of the reasons why the sequels to these movies tire me.

So basically we're seeing another repeat of this pattern: