
Please. Don't.

When a director who hasn't made a non-shitty movie since 2001 wants to make a sequel to a shitty movie, I feel pretty confident saying that the movie in question will probably be shitty, and that he'll be using the fact that he's making it for a dead friend to get mad at people pointing out that its shitty. I hope I'm

Making a shitty movie to honor a dead friend doesn't make said shitty movie any less shitty.

Oh Kevin. You tire me. You didn't used to.

"Oh just let me get something from my car."
…"I don't think he's coming back."

Kanye West needs to hire someone to sit or stand next to him at all times and punch him in the stomach when he's about to make an ass of himself. It won't stop him initially, but Pavlovian Conditioning will set in eventually.

Tommy Wiseau has a dozen guys named John working for him. One of them found out about, beat him up so bad he wound up in a hospital on Guerrero Street

So with Christian White in the movie, will there be characters named Shinto Yellow and Muslim Brown in there too?

Oooh, now I have another excuse to ignore this movie. Thanks Alan!
(Seriously, what is it with Hercules this year?)

Scanners may be one of his most conventional movies, but given that he gave us Videodrome, Cosmopolis and Drive, I'm not certain that's a very high bar to get over.