
¡Viva el Club Audiovisual!

This election has also taught us that (soon to be irradiated) rednecks are hard to kill, at least in the polls.

Only below the waist?

Céline is a fucking awesome person, but as un Québécois, I haaaaaate her music.

I would pay any price to see her cover that, or any dead Kennedy's song.


I mean this sincerely, fantastic song choices.
Also I'm sure you'll be able to find tons of people willing to play the SS to your SM

Like he knows the difference.

You sure have a lot of Gaul saying that.

Moving the various tubes around.

There's no money here. I guess there's trees, so that's lumber/what money grows on, but they can't have it.

I never watched that last season of Dexter, and nw I'm glad I didn't

Yawn. You do realize you posted two articles that more than prove my point, right? Raising the minimum wage would barely scratch the surface, but would be a step towards making sure that every human being can afford to live in this country.
Honestly, if that's the best you have this just confrims my suspicions.

Here, here, on the union sentiment.

What? Try to speak english, man. Read you sentence again, out loud, to yourself. Syntax-wise, you're making no sense. If, and I mean if I understand your point, you're trying to say that the government makes up for the gap in what these workers are paid and what they need to survive, maybe that is true over in Europe

Also, do you not think tht workers at fast food restaurants depend on those jobs to live? What kind of monster are you?

What? Try to make sense, you know I'm not really Arby's and just a (very) poorly commited gimmick account right? My main goal lately is pointing out anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-immigrant etc. trolls. So I'm just giving you a nice, round, "fuck off, troll" and writing you on my list of people to disregard. So, as

Eh, fuck off, à propos de ce que tu viens de me dire. For the workers, business is life.

Listen, I disagree with you on some of your points, almost purely from a labor standpoint, but I agree with you wholeheartedly on this point. Like many shows, this shit has gone on way too long, and they should both back out. (though she should dmand back pay, labor ftw!)

I highly doubt that. Also, Macy hasn't really been the "pull" of the show since like, maybe the first season.