
I should stop stumbling to Rite Aid to buy my booze and pass out on the bus over to my local Trader Joe's.

What the fuck?

It's $30,000 on each of those things independantly

At least this time you didn't hit any trees.

Dammit, I thought for sure I was so clever and no one else had made this joke. Also, where are you getting boxes of wine for under ten bucks. I rounded up to $20 a piece cuz they're usually around $15-20 a piece for the big boxes round these parts.

I too drink $30,000 worth of wine every month. 1500 boxes of Franzia really adds up!

Yeah but that "Soviet Union" certainly won't be anything even resembling Communist. Seriously, it's like people just think "communist = power-hungry Russians" or something. The USSR could barely even be considered communist despite what it called itself.

I mean, they are cops after all, so of course they're terrible.

No, the Russian Federation is like ultra-capitalist. The state may own some industries, but it serves more to bolster those industries than to control them.

State control does not equal communism. Worker control over the means of production does, which only translates to state control if the workers constitute the state.

Liberals need to get their Russian history straight, "Not my Czar" next to a hammer and sickle makes no sense*
An Aggravated Communist

And straaaaight to the gulag with them!

Make sure to attach a cover letter and a sample of your meats.


Nah, you're pretty much right.

We have to rise up and take back the means of comment section production!

A lot just mean "whore".

Is it the creepy robots?

Well it's pretty scary when you take into account that homeland security labeled many post-election protests as "domestic terrorist incidents"

Grindr will be the official dating app once we establish Luxury Fully-automated Gay Space Communism.