
If you worked several years doing a job you weren't being paided for, you wouldn't ask for babk-pay or a raise that recognized that?

Fuck off, troll.

And she deserves it. Say for example you were working at a factory. Your job was to do job A. But for at least a few years, you'd also been the one picking up some of, or outright doing job B. Woud you not demand a wage that compensated you for the time you had been doing job B in addition to job A?
You may reply that

But are you?

Also pretty sexist usually. Honestly, I know a ton of young men who watched the show for her (read: body) as well as it's "edginess". They barely knew who WH Macy was, except for maybe in Fargo.
Despite the rather unsavory reason why she had pull in an advertising sense, she had a ton of pull, and was probably more

Nah, but see she was actually the pull of the show to an extent 'cause they used her character for "sex appeal" and being Showtime, heavily banked on the "T&A" factor of their lead. For having to play that role, in addition to the storyline's lead, she deserves a shit ton of money.

Actually a regional tea company, but as a sentient representation of a fast food company on the internet, I can assure you it's even worse chez irl Arby's.

I work for a company that pays me significantly better than my female coworkers, who really are the linch-pins of the entreprise, especially since my leave of absence. I have a lot of seniority, and do bring certain skills to the table, but still, they've picked up the slack from my vacation ten-fold and deserve what

But that's what they want! Us good people need to carry the fire into the darkest corners of the interent
*Fast Food Chain kills self after reading Breitbart thread*

American men, go figure.

Eh, two things.

Oh. That's horrifying.

You're actually quite right, and the symbolic nature of it to an extent is what was more important. Anything approaching due process for all those involved would have been difficult for the allies to carry out in the aftermath of the war, and as a cynic I'm not entirely certain the allied war tribunals really cared

I would say "I don't wanna live on this planet anymore" but it seems like these idiots are working toward that same goal.

Yeah, friends are not what those Nazi fucks deserve to lose.

Fair point, but even the highest ranking Nazis met a noose eventually (for the most part).

Jimaca seems weird on a pizza, but goat cheese and artichokes are delicious.

I know firmly which side of this war I stand on (please read this as a pizza-loving citizen's comment, and not that of Arby's)

8chan? Wtf is 8chan? That sounds twice as bad.

Haha, just read that, wish I could scrub my eyes, and brain, and soul.