
The empty can, though the water bottle would be a better story.

I once saw a woman open a can of orange soda on the bus, empty it into her water bottle and casually toss it out the window.

It may be buzzfeed but they actually do some good investigative journalim from time to time, better than anything Breitbart has ever written.
Oh and by the way, "alt-right" in this should be read as "neo-nazi fascist fucks"

You're definitely right, and I agree in theory with gun control and think it's the best way for a society to function, but in the US we're kinda already here. We can't turn back the clock, and it worries me that the scariest people in our society are also the ones with a bunch of guns.

Portland is cool in a lot of ways, if you ignore the history of racism and rampant gentrification (which most of us natives do worse than anyone else), so I don't blame you for liking the city. But housing is really hard to find for anything approaching affordable.
I sincerely hope you can find something, because even

I agree, but as a far leftist, certain aspects of gun culture are looking a lot more, I wont say appealing, but rather necessary, to me right now.
We have to start some anti-fa gun clubs ya know. Bash the fash.
I grew up hunting and thus firearms are not a strange concept to me, but I don't like them. That's not my

Oh, bite me.


I'm Arby's, I'm numb to revulsion.

To an extent, individualism is a cancer. Society is inherently collectivist, and to deny that is insanity. Fucking capitalism…


Yeah some of the McDonald's have them in Montréal, the one at place des arts at least, and they're actually kind of a hassle. My partner liked them 'cause she doesn't speak French very well, but I prefered to just order. It's not like very much is automated anyway, just the ordering part.

Yes, yes it is. I rented a tiny studio in Beaverton back in 2014, in the kinda slum-esque complexes by the Transit Center and the trailer park for $675. Looked at that same listing and it's now an even $1000, for what is essentially a bedroom with a stove and toilet. Tigard's even worse because they're trying to

Who knows, I've given up trying to figure it out.

New slogan. Thank you, where should I address the meat-check to?

Please, stop and think before doing that to yourself.

The thing is a lot of these apartments do suck. The complexes are getting bought out by companies that basically give the people living there a letter saying "either agree to the new rent or get out essentially forcing everyone deeper into the suburbs and out of their homes. Then the companies do some superficial

Mmmm, fibrous…

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Juggalo community leaned toward socialism. They do kind of have the collectivist mindset already, you just have the think of the world as one big gathering of the Juggalos.

Say what you will about the tenets of a national Burger chain, Dude, but at least it's an ethos.