
Here in the suburb of Portland where I currently live, 5 years ago I could rent a 3 bedroom house for 1200. Today that's the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment.

Hey! My grandpa is alright, does think that immigrants "stole the referendum" though, so there's that.

Even I find this disgusting.


Don't fuck Nazis! But also, fuck Nazis!

Hey, lots of people used to live quite a bit older back then, the average life expectancy is skewed by the huge number of infant and early childhood deaths before modern medicine became a thing.

But that's where we'll gang up and bash the fash. They have to expose themselves.

Me as well.

Not an inaccurate statement.

It's like "History muthafucka, do you read it!?"

Thanks so much for that. I'm canado-american, but my whole life is in the US so up and leaving isn't really an option. But it really does help when strangers reach out and try to connect and help. Idk, it just helps to know that others understand. I don't have the right words to express it right now, but thank you.

I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't giving them the safe space they need.

Yeah, I listen to a lot of music that revels in complexity, but complexity is far from the benchmark for "bad ass guitar part"

Also, "Melted Orange Julius Rape Factory" is gold.

I really do love this site for that exact same reason. There's a lot of places I can talk politics, but this one is the most humorous and cathartic.
And I know what you mean. I'd done so much work and built a nice life for myself, I maybe still am an optimist in some ways. 2016 was overall a good year for me, had a

Man, I've been down that road and stimulants just make me a lot worse. Heroin is calling my name but I really don't want to go there again.
I just never knew how much of a terrible trip alcohol withdrawals were, and how quickly they can come from a relatively short binge. Like shit's weird, and I think I'm gonna need

Why can't there be more porn parodies featuring Obama. I'd fap to that.

I get that. At the same time we can never pretend things are normal, so I'm kinda glad literally everywhere is reminding me that this isn't normal and needs to challenged.
My mental health on the other hand wishes this would all stop. My depression and anxiety are at 11 and self medicating with alcohol has just made

Oh, I didn't know that. :(
Why (alien) Jesus? Why!?

Thanks Oba…Carson Daly.