
Fuck off, troll.

Yes, because the meats, but also, what? Did you forget how to english? Ça m'arrive parfois aussi, it's ok.

Fine, we'll just call them Nazis and be done with it.

Puns have power!

Cuz Canadiens 4eva!!!!!

Fuck off, troll.

People are fucking stupid.

I agree, I just think we shouldn't take the argument that non-white people are lesser as anything other than hate and violence. Take it seriously, yes, view it as a legitimate position to forward, no.

Fuck off.

Fuck off, troll.

Nah, there are lots of assholes who aren't at this level. I'm an asshole, I'm fucking Arby's so believe me I know fucking assholes, and this lot of fascists is something else.


The thing that gets me is why on earth would they need to run this ring. What could be the motivation? Money? Uh, I thought they had all of Wall Street and George Soros and shit behind them? Why would they need to run a single pedophilia ring out of a random pizzaria to earn money?
If you're gonna make conspiracy

But Hitler was a painter and that turned out…oh I see your point.

I don't own any, but I grew up hunting and nerding out about guns, so I am no stranger.

Of the underage variety? That's probably how Trump got in with those hackers, he's probably deep in the Dark Web.

Listen to them maybe, give them a microphone, that's a hard no.

Yes, very much so yes.

Yeah, fucking shit, that's actually at least 5% of why that name makes me mad. I love alt-J, and don't want the "alt-" in their name to be a tough pill to swallow.

Arby's is about to start courting the fascist "alt-right" real hard so we can give them all fatal indigestion.