
I'm so sorry to make you say that.

Also, synergy.

You are absolutely right. Racism, misogyny, etc. that is not a political position. It's not a difference between advocating socialism vs. capitalism, or representative vs direct democracy.
It is an ideology that explicitly, and intrinsically, holds that another human being is lesser due to their very being. It's not

Good point. Though all of those guns are out there now and they've got the government's guns on their side so…I don't know, I might be rethinking my positions on gun control.

That's probably where I got the idea, though honestly these lat few weeks have been such a whirl-wind news wise, I have no clue.

Also the people associated with it are known figures with in that neo-nazi community.

Fuck the apologists who say giving these fascist, neo-nazi fuck boys a platform is just presenting another view point.
No, stop, white supremecy is not a point of view, it is hate, and it is violence. You might as well give them a gun, because I can assure you giving them a platform to spew their shit will hurt a lot

More seriously though, I think the best strategy is to use alt-right in quotes with a qualifying adjective like racist "alt-right" or neo-nazi "alt-right" or fascist "alt-right" etc.



You could just not click on it. In fact, if more people did that they would go away. Be part of the solution.

J3@N C0U+U actually

*laugh track*

"On the other, non-carcinogenic hand" here's to hoping.

This one's about the bus stop

Canadian pharmacy form? Jean Coutu all the way muthafucka!

Based on my girlfriend's cousins, a good portion already are.

Or a burger with all the wrong kinds of meat.

Your screen name would actually make a pretty good band name.