
Thanks to this comment, I checked them and, holy shit they're so fucking good.

They mention this "trash mountain" in some of their songs I believe.

I'm outraged!!! This is about ethics in bad band name journalism!!!

Awww I always liked beetles, usually harmless and sometimes pretty colors.

Oh yeah, I actually just ran across that thread. What a shitshow.

You forgot racist, a lot of them are super racist.

Hey! How did you know I sleep on a sofa?

I feel legitimately bad every time I cause someone to agree with Arby's (I'm a bad gimmick account). But yeah, this shit's horrifying, and as someone just recently coming to terms with some sexual assault type things that happened to me, it makes me retch to hear this guy minimize it.

I mean even in Quebec we had Claude Jutra. Wasn't Allen american? Idk why I'm arguing specifics when the point remains the same, especially when you take "European" more as a style than a geographic thing.

ah, I misunderstood something else I read. Carry on, my bad.
Also, ewww France, c'est fucking dégueulasse!

No, but we need more people like you!
Though I do share your "why, god, why!?!?" point of view.

Speaking of 1970s France, she was also technically a minor at the time.

I don't block trolls generally, unless they're specifically threatening or hateful toward me. I like to tell them to fuck off every once and a while, deny that poison a safe space to propagate.

Haha, no. I've just noticed a lot of people saying a lot of stupid/ignorant/stupid stuff as of late.

I mean, Polanski at least took pictures of it. What he did with those, who knows *vomits*

You're right, but wasn't Alejandro Chilean? Maybe it's just that '70s Directors in general had those issues.

Yeah, when a survivor is willing to admit in public that something was "kinda rape" that was a fucking rape. For a public figure (or anybody really), especially a woman, that is not an easy step to take and I fully support her feeling validated in whatever it meant to her.

We've had a lot of people showing their true colors lately.

Hey, it's you again. Fuck off, troll.

Don't engage this troll. If I remember correctly they told me "Ha ha. Take your meds, psycho." after I told him to fuck off for saying something ignorant about mental illness.
Rubberball just needs to be bounced.